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SmartGLCD and MicroSD

Posted: 14 Apr 2020 15:27
by jelskein
I have a lot of screens and graphics and I am trying to use a MicroSD card to free up program space on the MCU on SmartGLCD 240x128. I have formatted the MicroSD to FAT16 and copied the resource file to it. I still get a "not enough RAM" message when compiling in mikroBasic Pro.

I noticed the message "Use %FILE_NAME for resource file name in code" - what does this mean?

Are there step-by-step Visual GLCD instructions or examples for using a MicroSD card on SmartGLCD?

Re: SmartGLCD and MicroSD

Posted: 15 Apr 2020 13:13
by jovana.medakovic

I recommend you to look at the example which is located in the folder where Visual GLCD is installed on the path:
...\Mikroelektronika\Visual GLCD\Projects\Resource Collection Demo\Smart GLCD\Resource_Collection_Demo_Code\mikroBasic PRO for PIC

Kind regards,