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Announcing our new wearable development kit for IoT!

Posted: 18 Feb 2016 18:15
by srdjan.misic
Hi everyone,

This year we won't have our own booth at Embedded World.

Instead, we will have something way cooler.

We are all genuinely excited to announce a new product we developed in partnership with NXP.

NXP will heavily promote it at the upcoming Embedded World (February 23) so we are not allowed
to say anything about it officially. Because of that, this announcement is confined to our forum readers
and newsletter subscribers.

The semi-secrecy makes it even more exciting.

It's a dev. kit for anyone who wants to build smartwatches, remote sensor tags, or something more complex
such as a smart-home controller. It's a small, sleek and low power device with BLE-connectivity and packed
with various sensors. At the same time, it's vastly expandable because – you've guessed it – it's compatible with click boards.

We worked with an industrial designer to go beyond a standard PCB dev board and create an eye-catching
form factor so that people can have prototypes which can be put to real-world use immediately.

Furthermore, we worked with a local startup to provide compatible iOS/Android apps, as well
as cloud access.

Our brand new development kit for IoT and wearables is called Hexiwear and it looks like this:



You'll be able to see it on NXP's or Mouser's booth at Embedded World. More importantly, you'll be able to get one
as early as March, for only $37. Those limited quantities will be available through a Kickstarter campaign that launches
on February 23. To make sure you don't miss the Early Bird limited run Hexiwear, go to:

And subscribe to our Kickstarter notification list.


Re: Announcing our new wearable development kit for IoT!

Posted: 19 Feb 2016 00:20
by Toley
Interesting project. Do you plan to support Kinetis MCU with your ARM compilers or the only available option will be Kinetis Studio?

Re: Announcing our new wearable development kit for IoT!

Posted: 19 Feb 2016 10:05
by MaGiK
This looks very ... interesting! :mrgreen:

I think I'll make a Kick-Starter pledge when it's out there :wink:
I'm sure I'll be very happy to have it. That website is promoting it very well :D
*Whispers* I'm even more excited because I've just seen the videos posted by ST (HoH) as well :wink:

Best Regards :D

Re: Announcing our new wearable development kit for IoT!

Posted: 20 Feb 2016 00:21
by srdjan.misic
Toley wrote:Interesting project. Do you plan to support Kinetis MCU with your ARM compilers or the only available option will be Kinetis Studio?
Hi Toley, thanks for showing interest. At this point, Kinetis Studio.

Re: Announcing our new wearable development kit for IoT!

Posted: 20 Feb 2016 00:21
by srdjan.misic
MaGiK wrote:This looks very ... interesting! :mrgreen:

I think I'll make a Kick-Starter pledge when it's out there :wink:
I'm sure I'll be very happy to have it. That website is promoting it very well :D
*Whispers* I'm even more excited because I've just seen the videos posted by ST (HoH) as well :wink:

Best Regards :D
trivia: in that video, Srdjan T's hands, Srdjan M' voice.

Re: Announcing our new wearable development kit for IoT!

Posted: 20 Feb 2016 13:55
by MaGiK
Dear Srdjan Misic, that is not a trivia at all in my point of view.
I like knowing that kind of stuff even more than the products and the services :mrgreen:
I know it's weird, but it's true :wink:

Keep up the amazing work. It's really very appreciated a lot more than you think :D
Best Regards

Re: Announcing our new wearable development kit for IoT!

Posted: 23 Feb 2016 12:34
by srdjan.misic
Hello everyone, have you seen?

Hexiwear is live on Kickstarter. Help us spread the word, please.


Re: Announcing our new wearable development kit for IoT!

Posted: 28 Feb 2016 01:06
by srdjan.misic

Re: Announcing our new wearable development kit for IoT!

Posted: 29 Feb 2016 18:47
by MaGiK
Congratulations! :D
This is very well deserved! It's a very nice product that ticks all the important check boxes :wink:
Can't wait to see your stretch goals. Maybe I'll up my pledge again :wink:

Srdjan, what's your favourite colour of the Hexiwear?
Mine is the black one. It totally made Aleksandar look bad a** in that video :D

Keep up the amazing work :D
Best Regards

Re: Announcing our new wearable development kit for IoT!

Posted: 28 Jun 2016 16:16
by JohnD
I switched from V4.5.0 to V4.9.0.
In some parts the generated code is different and faulty.
A section of the assembler code with V4.5.0 looks like this:

Code: Select all

;Action.c,1414 :: 		_pActionRegister->Action.ARDelta.DeltaValue.Reference = rtPB;
ADDS	R0, R4, #4
ADDS	R1, R0, #4
MOVS	R0, #7
STRB	R0, [R1, #0]
;Action.c,1415 :: 		_pActionRegister->Action.ARDelta.DeltaValue.PIDBlck   = _pARActionRegExt->ARExt1.ARDelta.PIDBlk;
ADDS	R0, R4, #4
ADDS	R0, R0, #4
ADDS	R1, R0, #4
ADDS	R0, R3, #3
LDRB	R0, [R0, #0]
STRB	R0, [R1, #0]
;Action.c,1416 :: 		_pActionRegister->Action.ARDelta.DeltaValue.PIDIndex  = pvaValue;
ADDS	R0, R4, #4
ADDS	R0, R0, #4
ADDS	R1, R0, #5
MOVS	R0, #1
STRB	R0, [R1, #0]
;Action.c,1417 :: 		_pActionRegister->Action.ARDelta.PositiveDelta        = _pARActionRegExt->ARExt1.ARDelta.PosData;
ADDS	R0, R4, #4
; _pActionRegister end address is: 16 (R4)
ADDS	R0, R0, #4
ADDW	R1, R0, #12
ADDS	R0, R3, #3
; _pARActionRegExt end address is: 12 (R3)
ADDS	R0, R0, #1
LDRH	R0, [R0, #0]
STRH	R0, [R1, #0]
;Action.c,1418 :: 		break;

And for V4.9.0 looks like this:

Code: Select all

;Action.c,1414 :: 		_pActionRegister->Action.ARDelta.DeltaValue.Reference = rtPB;
ADDS	R0, R4, #4
ADDS	R1, R0, #4
MOVS	R0, #7
STRB	R0, [R1, #0]
;Action.c,1415 :: 		_pActionRegister->Action.ARDelta.DeltaValue.PIDBlck   = _pARActionRegExt->ARExt1.ARDelta.PIDBlk;
ADDS	R0, R4, #4
ADDS	R0, R0, #4
ADDW	R1, R0, #18
ADDS	R0, R3, #3
LDRB	R0, [R0, #0]
STRB	R0, [R1, #0]
;Action.c,1416 :: 		_pActionRegister->Action.ARDelta.DeltaValue.PIDIndex  = pvaValue;
ADDS	R0, R4, #4
ADDS	R0, R0, #4
ADDW	R1, R0, #19
MOVS	R0, #1
STRB	R0, [R1, #0]
;Action.c,1417 :: 		_pActionRegister->Action.ARDelta.PositiveDelta        = _pARActionRegExt->ARExt1.ARDelta.PosData;
ADDS	R0, R4, #4
; _pActionRegister end address is: 16 (R4)
ADDS	R0, R0, #4
ADDW	R1, R0, #12
ADDS	R0, R3, #3
; _pARActionRegExt end address is: 12 (R3)
ADDS	R0, R0, #1
LDRH	R0, [R0, #0]
STRH	R0, [R1, #0]
;Action.c,1418 :: 		break;

The code generated with V4.5.0 works correct.

The line:

Code: Select all

;Action.c,1415 :: 		_pActionRegister->Action.ARDelta.DeltaValue.PIDBlck   = _pARActionRegExt->ARExt1.ARDelta.PIDBlk;
with the new compiler V4.9.0 does NOT work, the lvalue does not change.
As you can see the generated assembler code for this line is different.

Is there a new compiler option or something else which causes this behavior?


Re: Announcing our new wearable development kit for IoT!

Posted: 11 Aug 2016 01:41
by goldscott
Is anyone from MikroE answering questions in the hexiwear forum? I'm having trouble getting the PyOCD debugger working, see my posts here: ... kds-3-2-0/


Re: Announcing our new wearable development kit for IoT!

Posted: 12 Aug 2016 08:31
by uros.cvetinovic
Hi Scott,

We will respond you on your post, no worries.

Best regards,
