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mikroBasic/C updates?

Posted: 29 Jul 2019 02:11
by jmusselman64
Hello mikroe Dev and support staff,

Since deciding to purchase one of your compilers and MMBs on which to base a current project, I'v been waiting for a substantial update to the compilers.

It seems like every other day, you release a new Click board, and now a couple new dev systems, which are great, ...but...

I'm starting to feel a bit of regret with spending a bunch of money on your system...MMB's, compiler, VTFT, mikroprog, etc.

I chose this because I wasn't that great in C code. I'm doing better at it, and already have half the microchip stuff I need.

Don't get me wrong..when I 'work-around' all the obstacles, it seems great. I just wish there was a bit more functionality.

Are there any substantial updates to mikroBasic dsPIC on the horizon?
Will there be support for the new dspicCH dual core series?

I know its all a big marketing secret, but judging by the lack of activity on the forum..I can only guess there's not that many using it, or maybe they're all too busy trying to get a program to run they don't have time to post anything.

A bit disillusioned,

Re: mikroBasic/C updates?

Posted: 29 Jul 2019 15:17
by filip

I'm sorry if you are feeling disillusioned, we haven't forgotten the dsPIC/PIC24 compilers or its users.

We will surely update it, currently I cannot tell you for sure the content of the updates, but we will do our best to keep our users satisfied.

If you have any wishes except for the Dual Core support, please post them here.


Re: mikroBasic/C updates?

Posted: 27 Oct 2019 11:41
by marcus
ME typically update their dsPIC compiler every 2-3 years, same goes for PIC32, AVR and others. Their PIC and ARM compilers are updated more frequently, once per year usually.

Don't expect updates by complaining on the forum. You will get answers which sound reassuring and have no substance. ME invest far more into click boards and other hardware, which is their main revenue stream.

Re: mikroBasic/C updates?

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 13:20
by arco
Bugs are rarely fixed, so mentioning them here is futile...
I've reported bugs 5+ years ago, still there. "will be fixed as soon as possible". (this century or the next one?... :mrgreen: )