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mP v.7.0.1 - VTFT can't open projects generated by mP

Posted: 26 Oct 2017 11:21
by VCC
Main post: viewtopic.php?f=106&t=71100
mikroPascal PRO for dsPIC v.7.0.1
Visual TFT 4.6.1

VTFT can't open projects generated by mikroPascal. It says that the project is in an old format (maybe not old), and offers to backup it and convert it to a new format.
It says: "Visual TFT has detected old project file below version. Would you like to backup the old project before coverting to new version?"
After backing up the project, VTFT throws an error about unknown properties and enter a bad state: "Error reading Screen1.Static_: Property Static_ does not exist."
The second attempt to open the same project leads to the following error: "Cannot open file "C:\PathToProject\Project.vtft". The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
Closing VTFT and reopening the project, result in the same error loop.

Re: mP v.7.0.1 - VTFT can't open projects generated by mP

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 16:49
by lana.arsic

Visual TFT 4.6.1 is not intended to open projects
created in the newer version of Visual TFT which is integrated in the compiler.

But you can open project generated from standalone version
in the newest version of Visual TFT which is integrated in the compiler,
when you click on Project -> Import VTFT Project.

Please from now on use version of Visual TFT which is
integrated in the compiler. Since that version is improved in regards to standalone version.

Kind regards,

Re: mP v.7.0.1 - VTFT can't open projects generated by mP

Posted: 29 Oct 2017 09:02
by VCC
So, the standalone Visual TFT 4.6.1 is obsolete? Then, please create a live update for it, simply to display a splash screen that says it is obsolete. I see now, that on its product page, it says:
Note: The standalone version of the Visual TFT software will no longer be updated. From now on the software will be updated along with the compiler it is merged with.
However, this was not the easiest way to find out.

Re: mP v.7.0.1 - VTFT can't open projects generated by mP

Posted: 30 Oct 2017 17:56
by lana.arsic

I apologize because of inconvenience, it is not yet
obsolete since our compilers for ARM are not yet merged with Visual TFT.

But thank you for the suggestion I have forwarded your complain,
so our developers will consider to add that note, not only on Visual TFT main page.

Kind regards,