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PIC18F13K22 IO problems

Posted: 20 Nov 2012 00:58
by cgagner
I have this very simple code that does not work. If I access PORTA.0 directly it works fine but going trough an IF bloc, it does not. I am sure I must be over looking some evident missing something. I have been reading all I could in the PIC's data sheets, internet, etc.

program MyProject
' test
' Declarations section
' Use an PIC18F13K22, INTOSC 8MHz
' Main program

cm1con0.c1on = 0 ' comparators off
cm2con0.c2on = 0
adon_bit = 0 'adc off

porta = 0
trisa.1 = 1
trisa.0 = 0
lata.0 = 1

while TRUE
'delay_ms(1000) ' this works... if you uncomment the bloc and comment the if bloc.
'lata.0 = 1
'lata.0 = 0

if porta.1 = 1 then ' this does not... as is...
lata.0 = 1
lata.0 = 0
end if


Re: PIC18F13K22 IO problems

Posted: 20 Nov 2012 01:46
by janni
You should configure respective PORTA inputs as digital. Otherwise they stay analog and will be read as zero when treated as digital. Look for ANSELA register in datasheet.

Re: PIC18F13K22 IO problems

Posted: 20 Nov 2012 03:25
by cgagner
Many thanks for a very fast and constructive answer. All is working fine.
Claude Gagner