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Problem with ENC28J60 and PIC18F452

Posted: 11 Dec 2008 00:33
by Loki1_11
Hi guys I'm going nuts :/

I've done all connections like the help says, using pic18f452, enc28J60 with 8MHz xtal and 74hct08N.

Its very strange i've configured the pic to run at 32Mhz with hs+pll, but the button to debug is enabled only if I compile the project without the line Spi_Ethernet_doPacket(); if I uncomment this line the debuger cannot be runned, and the pic doesnt works, my led blink routine doesnt works, if I comment just this line the led starts to blink.

should the enc28j60 leda or ledb be on without the mcu connection ? because mine is always off.

here is my code:

Code: Select all

program Lan;

uses eth_enc28j60_utils, //this is where you should write implementation for UDP and HTTP

 * RAM variables
var myMacAddr   : array[6] of byte {= (0x00, 0x14, 0xA5, 0x76, 0x19, 0x3f)} ; // my MAC address
    myIpAddr    : array[4] of byte {= (192, 168, 20, 60)} ;                   // my IP address
    gwIpAddr    : array[4] of byte {= 192, 168,   1,  1 } ;                   // gateway (router) IP address
    ipMask      : array[4] of byte {= 255, 255, 255,  0 } ;                   // network mask (for example :
    dnsIpAddr   : array[4] of byte {= 192, 168,   1,  1 } ;	                  // DNS server IP address

procedure Init;
  PORTC := 0;
  TRISC := 16; //RC4 input, others output. //Is this necessary for spi ?

  httpCounter := 0;

  myMacAddr[0] := 0x00;
  myMacAddr[1] := 0x14;
  myMacAddr[2] := 0xA5;
  myMacAddr[3] := 0x76;
  myMacAddr[4] := 0x19;
  myMacAddr[5] := 0x3F;

  myIpAddr[0]  := 192;
  myIpAddr[1]  := 168;
  myIpAddr[2]  := 10;
  myIpAddr[3]  := 60;

  gwIpAddr[0]  := 192;
  gwIpAddr[1]  := 168;
  gwIpAddr[2]  := 10;
  gwIpAddr[3]  := 1;

  dnsIpAddr[0] := 192;
  dnsIpAddr[1] := 168;
  dnsIpAddr[2] := 10;
  dnsIpAddr[3] := 1;

  ipMask[0]    := 255;
  ipMask[1]    := 255;
  ipMask[2]    := 255;
  ipMask[3]    := 0;

   * starts ENC28J60 with :
   * reset bit on RC0
   * CS bit on RC1
   * my MAC & IP address
   * full duplex

  Spi_Ethernet_Init(PORTC, 0, PORTC, 1, myMacAddr, myIpAddr, Spi_Ethernet_FULLDUPLEX) ;
  // dhcp will not be used here, so use preconfigured addresses
  Spi_Ethernet_confNetwork(ipMask, gwIpAddr, dnsIpAddr) ;



 while (True) do
    if PORTC.6 = 1 then
     PORTC.6 := 0 else
     PORTC.6 := 1;

    Delay_ms(150); //Should be commented when Spi_Ethernet_doPacket is uncommented.
    //Spi_Ethernet_doPacket();   // Uncoment this and the pic stops working



Any tips ?

Thanks in advance ;)


Re: Problem with ENC28J60 and PIC18F452

Posted: 18 Feb 2013 00:06
by hishoegypt
i have the same problem
diid u solve this problem?

Re: Problem with ENC28J60 and PIC18F452

Posted: 18 Feb 2013 16:38
by dejan.odabasic

Which version of compiler are you using?

Best regards.