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Bug report: MikroC v 5.61 asm code compilation error

Posted: 09 Aug 2012 01:29
by sparks
Dear MikroElektronica team,

Coming from the assembler world I like to check, double check and triple check all the code MikroC generates. Today I found a annoying problem with BRA operand, here is an example:

PIC18F1847, simple check for a bit and BRAnch to the check point again if set:

Code: Select all

void chk_go(){ 
        movlb   1;          // banksel ADRESL, ADRESH, ADCON0
        bsf     ADCON0,GO;
        btfsc	  ADCON0,GO;
      	BRA	    $-1;      // the BRAnch addres is not calculated properly
                                             // BRA rechk; doesn't work either
                                             // but goto $-1; or goto rechk;  has no problems
Please advise how to resolve the issue, I do need BRA instead of GOTO for some other functions.

Re: Bug report: MikroC v 5.61 asm code compilation error

Posted: 09 Aug 2012 09:16
by janko.kaljevic

I really was not able to reproduce this at my side.

In attachment you can check simple code.

Also I assumed that you referred on PIC16F1847 controller.

In my test BRA functions like it should and there were no issues at all.
I also used mikroC PRO for PIC v5.61.

If there is anything else that I need to reproduce this error, please point me to it.

Best regards.

Re: Bug report: MikroC v 5.61 asm code compilation error

Posted: 09 Aug 2012 11:42
by sparks
Thank you very much for your quick response. I tested your code today and it works. Then recompiled my problematic program and now BRA is pointing to the correct address. I guess it has something to do with restarting MikroC or the evil gnome that was spoiling my bits last night is still sleeping.

Once again, thank you and have a great and sunny day! :)

Re: Bug report: MikroC v 5.61 asm code compilation error

Posted: 09 Aug 2012 12:25
by sparks
Here is another issue i found with timers and some registers not updated in MikroC software debugger:

Code: Select all

// Example for MikroC software debugger issues
// PIC 16F1847 @16MHz - internal oscillator
// also tested on PIC18F26K22 with Timer0, Timer1, Timer2 - timers don't count

void pic_init() {
    OSCCON =  0 << SPLLEN | 0b1111 << IRCF0 | 0b10 << SCS0; // 16 MHz

  // ADC init:
    FVRCON = 0 << FVREN | 0b10 << ADFVR0; // 2.048V
    while(!FVRRDY_bit);  // Wait for FVR to stabilize       ||| Debugger hangs here |||
    ADCON0 = 1 << ADON; // CHS4:0 = 0b0000 (AN0 selected to sample)
    ADCON1 = 0 << ADFM | 
             0b101 << ADCS0 |  // Tad = FOSC/16 (1us)  
             0b11 << ADPREF0;  // Vref+ connected to FVR

  // Timer2 init:
    T2CON = 0b0100 << T2OUTPS0      // 1:5 postscaler 
          | 0b01   << T2CKPS0       // 1:4 prescaler 
          | 1 << TMR2ON;            // Turn on Timer2
    PR2 = 199;                      // Timer2 overflows every 1 ms
    TMR2IF_bit = 0;
    PIE1 = 1 << TMR2IE;             // Enable Timer2 interrupt
    INTCON = 1 << GIE | 1 << PEIE; 

void main() {
    unsigned short x;

    GO_bit = 1;
    while(GO_bit);  // Wait for the ADC to sample   ||| Debugger hangs here too |||
                    // No problems with MPLAB SIM or ICD 2 debuggers
    x = ADRESH;

void interrupt() {      // Timer2 never counts in MikroC software debugger,  
    TMR2IF_bit = 0;     // so we never reach this point.
                        // Timer2 counts as expected when the code  
                        // is imported in MPLAB v8.85 and run with  
                        // MPLAB SIM  
    asm nop;
Can you please check if this code debugs fine or I have to blame the gnome again?

Re: Bug report: MikroC v 5.61 asm code compilation error

Posted: 09 Aug 2012 12:46
by janni
No gnome this time. Software simulator does not emulate hardware functions, like timers and interrupts (one may only force a jump to ISR). Such may only be tested with ICD (hardware debugger).