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IDE Code Folding

Posted: 25 Jun 2013 11:07
by stolper
In the Help stands:
"Code Folding
Code folding is IDE feature which allows users to selectively hide and display sections of a source file. In this way it is easier to manage large regions of code within one window, while still viewing only those subsections of the code that are relevant during a particular editing session.
While typing, the code folding symbols (+ and -) appear automatically. Use the folding symbols to hide/unhide the code subsections."
If I have hided all subfunctionen and press then d (from dim) in the declarations region the subfunction all will be expanded. That really is annoying! :(
Can anyone explain me that behavoir or say what to do to avoid?
Thanks a lot

Re: IDE Code Folding

Posted: 26 Jun 2013 12:28
by milos.vicentijevic

I have checked this behavior, you are right. Thank you for pointing this out!

I will pass this to software development department.

Best Regards,
Milos Vicentijevic

Re: IDE Code Folding

Posted: 31 Mar 2019 15:05
by Matz
Is there something new about the problem. This post is from 2013, we habe now 2019 and we have still this anoying bug !
Actually enough time to fix the problem. Can we expect a solution for that problem ?

By the way, if you compare with other sections of this forum, this seems to be a common problem of all compilers !

Re: IDE Code Folding

Posted: 01 Apr 2019 15:59
by stefan.filipovic
Hi Matz,

Welcome to the mikroE forum.

I have not managed to reproduce this issue in mikroBasic PRO for AVR.

Are you using the latest version (7.0.1) of the mikroBasic PRO for AVR?

Could you please provide me with more details about this issue, so I can reproduce it on my side?

Kind regards,

Re: IDE Code Folding

Posted: 03 Apr 2019 21:31
by Matz

thank you for your reply. It is ecxactly like desribed in the first post.
I want to insert a new "Dim" statement in the Declarations section and all sub procedures are folded.

When i am starting typing, all procedures below gets unfolded and stays unfolded even when i am finished typing.
This is very annoying, especially when you have a lot of procedures. They all have to be closed manually.

I am using V7.0.1

I have attached some pictures to make it clear

All Subs folded
before.jpg (110.13 KiB) Viewed 2357 times
Start typing
after.jpg (195.94 KiB) Viewed 2357 times

Re: IDE Code Folding

Posted: 04 Apr 2019 15:49
by stefan.filipovic
Hi Matz,

Unfortunately, I have reproduced the same issue.
I've forwarded this to our developers, it seems that this bug is related to Pascal and Basic compilers only.
I apologize for the inconvenience caused by this.

Kind regards,