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Again speech recognition

Posted: 24 Feb 2023 21:58
by lemiceterrieux
There is a Chinese chip available on several boards, the LD3320, and some people claim (?) it should be able to recognize English speech (and Chinese all the way). Several utilities are available on Github, unfortunately they are all written in C(++). I hoped that somebody would have created utilities in a more "programmer friendly" language, like Pascal (or even Basic), so I posted on this forum. But meanwhile I went to the "super Google", ChatGPT, and asked for "Utility LD3320". I got the answer that the chip is made by a company named LSI-CSI. But when I looked for the URL on Google, in fact the company existed but the search for "LD3320" on their homepage brought ... nothing ! So I wonder if it is an obsolete circuit, and that some companies sell their remaining stocks on Alixxx : it would not be the first time that I saw such things. Does anybody know more ? Thanks for ANY answers ...