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How to manually edit an eeprom - atmega32 memory address

Posted: 02 Jan 2022 17:11
by public2010
I am going to store the key values in the EEPROM memory in the program described in the following topic:

To do this I followed the tutorial in "HELP" mikroC for AVR which says (for read and write EEPROM):

Code: Select all

EEPROM_Write(0x150,adc);                  // Write some data at address 0x150 where adc is key
PORTB = EEPROM_Read(0x150);             // Read data from address 0x150 and display it on PORTB
Let's say this step is easy but at the beginning of the software, when I first power on Atmega32, I want to read from EEPROM certain values of port B - for example, the value 125 which is represented on the pins of the port B from PB7 pin .. .PB0: 01111101

I analyzed EEPROM editor tool but there I see 16 boxes on the address? !!! All completed with "FF" ??? Let's say I go to address 0x150, how do I manually fill in the address so that it reads like number 125?
Later, I will have to write the eeprom file separate from the code in Atmega, right? And how do I do that with AVRFlash?


Re: How to manually edit an eeprom - atmega32 memory address

Posted: 02 Jan 2022 18:22
by public2010
I figured out what's up with EEPROM Editor. A very good tool:
MikroC for AVR - MicroCip Studio = 1 - 0,
so an extra point for the EEPROM tool from mikroC. Congratulations MIKROE !!!