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Unpopulated / Partially Populated Click boards

Posted: 27 Jul 2022 18:21
by RV9Factory
I've got a Motion 4 Click, which uses a 160uA Panasonic PIR sensor. This part is one in a family of PIR sensors that goes down to 1uA and they all have the same footprint. I want to use one of the more power thrifty (but much more expensive) sensors.

I tried to desolder the sensor on my Click board but unfortunately, lifted a trace and trashed a $40 board. Just my lack of skill.

It would be awesome if MikroE made bare or partially populated Click boards available when the target device has variants that are electrically and footprint compatible. As it is, I'll probably just cobble together my own Click board but it's a bit of a pain and takes more than a week to get the board in.

Another good example is the NB IoT 2 Click, which uses the Quectel BC66. The BC660 is completely footprint compatible and I'd like a Click board with that part on it.

Re: Unpopulated / Partially Populated Click boards

Posted: 26 Aug 2022 11:35
by Tanja_Kovacevic

Thank you for your suggestion.
I will forward it to our Development Team,
so maybe they will take it into consideration.

In a meantime, you can contact our Customization service
if you need the click board with another IC or sensor.

Kind regards,