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general assembly problems

Posted: 27 Jul 2006 08:36
by lcmenasco
I recently purchased your mikroC compiler for Sensory RSC4X. I've attempted to follow your installation instructions, including installing the "necessary tools" from Phyton. I have installed their software (I think their posted ver was 1_10_09) software tools (excluding the Phyton C compiler, but including the assembler, simulator, and ice software). But when I try to build a project, I get an error box that comes up in the middle of the build that states: "E020C -- Fatal[512]:Security key not found". Your software still says that the compiling and linking process was successful, but I think that is only because a previously generated .mco file existed. When I remove it and then build, I also get a link error. So it appears that the assembler never generates the .mco file. It appears that I have the right path for the bin files, because of the error message itself apparently is generated by the mcase.exe file, but that the Phyton assembler is not assembling. How do I fix this? Do I need a "key" for the assembler from Phyton to work? (I was under the impression that their assembler was free, and that you just pay for their C compiler) Also, when I try to get the mcase.exe file to execute in an ms-dos environment with an .mca file, it also generates the same message. What version of Phyton should I be working with, and where do I get it? (Phyton only seemed to have one ver. for downloading, although I found a history of previous "project-se.) I should mention that the project I tried to work with was from the "Led_Blinking" folder, which I think was your default project that is seen after the install process.


can anyone tell me???

Posted: 29 Jul 2006 20:26
by lcmenasco
Could anyone at least tell me what ver. Phyton assembler they are already successfully using with their mikroC compiler/ide software so I'll have an idea of what is suppose to work?

Posted: 29 Jul 2006 22:34
by bruno

Here are the signatures of the external tools used by mikroC compiler on my computer :
Sensory RSC-4x Macro Assembler version 1.00.040906
Universal Cross Linker V. 1.09.060104
They are in the folder C:\Phyton\Proj-se\1_10_05, and you don"t need any key to use this tools.

Did you add the path to the Phyton development kit in the Tools-> Options -> Cross Tools -> External Assembler and linker path field of your compiler ?

I would suggest you to uninstall mikroC & Phyton tools, then re-install mikroC, then Phyton, then FluentChip, then mikroC licence key.


Posted: 30 Jul 2006 00:09
by lcmenasco
Thanks for the reply.

I think there may be some problems with the more recent versions of Phyton software. I actually installed the 1_10_05 ver and got that to work with the mikroC compiler. I'm not sure exactly where I got this ver. but when I was directed by the Sensory doc to the later vers, I though I better use those.

I tried 1_10_07 first. This one didn't even have a mcase.exe assembler in it's bin folder (it did install a mcase.inf, as well as a mclink.exe). If you try to use mikroC ide to build (and I make sure the path is correct, both in the options settings, as well as defining it in autoexec.bat when running sysedit), mikroC says that it can't find the mcase.exe file (if I leave the .mco files for the linker to find as part of the original installed samples, then mikroC is able to go on and do the linking, i.e. mikroC is able to find the mclink.exe file). The interesting thing is that the Phyton ide software will allow you to generate an object file from a .asm source file.

When I installed Phyton ver 1_10_09, it did install a mcase.exe. But if you try to use it with the mikroC ide (and yes, I did include the proper path), it comes up with that "key" error box. Again, the Phyton ide itself will still allow you to generate an obj file from a .asm file. But if you even try to run the mcase.exe file in a command line ms-dos enviroment, I get the same "key" error. This is totally independant from the mikroC ide.

Also none of the batch files that Sensory has as part of their FC2_0_11 seem to be able to compile with the new Phyton software, again apparently because of the "key" error.

Has Phyton essentially closed off use of their assembler except through their ide interface (or unless you purchase their license/key)? Or do I still not have something right in my configuration? What is the latest ver. of Phyton that someone can confirm works with mikroC ide and in an ms-dos environment? (_05 or is there one later that someone is using -- somewhere I thought I read that _06 was being used, but I haven't found a site to load it from to confirm it.)

Posted: 30 Jul 2006 01:30
by bruno
You are right, Phyton seems to have a problem with mcaSE 1_10_09, I just tried to update the Project-SE assembler kit, and the assembler does not work.

I think it is a release issue rather than a commercial problem, because this kit is clearly mentioned as free of charge on the Phyton web site :

The jump from release 1_10_05 to 1_10_09 within 4 weeks, and the absence of assembler in one release, show that they have some difficulties to release a stable version, and we have to wait V1_10_10 to see what happens...


Posted: 30 Jul 2006 02:08
by lcmenasco
Here's what worries me, Bruno. When you go to the detail link discribing Phyton's "MCA-SE" assembler, you get this: "Comes with any Project-SE configuration as an embedded tool" . Their assembler does work from inside their ide, but you can't execute anything from the ms-dos without it looking for a key. So it's free as long as you use their ide, but if they did this to force any C developers to buy their C compiler, then mikroC users may be limited to using _05 from now on. I hope this isn't the case.

Are they the only company that provides an assembler for the Sensory RSC series chip?

Is there any resolution to this?

Posted: 14 Aug 2006 21:35
by mrallen
Is there any resolution or follow-up to this? I was handed an Easy-VR Stamp board by members of the robotics club and asked to figure it out. After getting everything installed and trying to build a project, I'm hitting the same error.

Where do I go from here?


Try the tips on Bruno's Site

Posted: 15 Aug 2006 21:04
by Bob Lawrence
Bruno has some info on his site. ... 0-vr-stamp

Maybe you could read through the installation part and see if he has any additional tips. I don't have my board yet but Will pick it up later todays. :)

Error Message "E020C -- Fatal[512]:Security key not fo

Posted: 16 Aug 2006 11:46
by Bob Lawrence
I get the same meessage but everything complies ok and the examples work fine. I just ignore the message. I tried most of the Sensory examples and uploaded them to the RSC-4X chip. They all worked.

Very Cool!

I used the links that Bruno has on his website. (thanks! Bruno)

Now that everything is working I will re-run the examples to see if there are any other types of problems.

Posted: 16 Aug 2006 15:47
by rajkovic
lcmenasco wrote:Thanks for the reply.

When I installed Phyton ver 1_10_09, it did install a mcase.exe. But if you try to use it with the mikroC ide (and yes, I did include the proper path), it comes up with that "key" error box. Again, the Phyton ide itself will still allow you to generate an obj file from a .asm file. But if you even try to run the mcase.exe file in a command line ms-dos enviroment, I get the same "key" error. This is totally independant from the mikroC ide.

Also none of the batch files that Sensory has as part of their FC2_0_11 seem to be able to compile with the new Phyton software, again apparently because of the "key" error.

Has Phyton essentially closed off use of their assembler except through their ide interface (or unless you purchase their license/key)? Or do I still not have something right in my configuration? What is the latest ver. of Phyton that someone can confirm works with mikroC ide and in an ms-dos environment? (_05 or is there one later that someone is using -- somewhere I thought I read that _06 was being used, but I haven't found a site to load it from to confirm it.)

We have confirmation that Phyton closed off use of their assembler except through their ide interface (or unless you purchase their license/key).

Unfortunately that affects mikroC users and yes you must use last known version of phyton assembler that will accept command line _05 or _06 I am not sure.

This means that you will not be able to upgrade Phyton tools and use them with mikroC you must use old one. Good news is that even old version is very good and everything works OK.

We are aware that this is not good postion neither for our users nor for us.

So we will try to fix this in next manner:

1. Make our own assembler and linker
(this was not planned activity but we will try to fit it in this year)
2. For those users that find that this is unbearable we will give money

Sorry for inconvenience.

mE team

Posted: 16 Aug 2006 19:00
by lcmenasco
Thanks for the conformation. I look forward to your assembler and linker.

I have been working with _05 for several weeks now, without any significant problems. For the sake of comparison, I would like to try _06 but I haven't found a site that I could load it from. Could anyone point me to a website that I could upload a copy, or if already have it, they could send it to my yahoo account:


Links for downlaod

Posted: 16 Aug 2006 20:58
by Bob Lawrence

Can ME provide the required download links for what's required?

All I found in the help file is :

I think you are indicating that we should not use it.

Posted: 07 Sep 2006 15:38
by Matt Childress
Is there any way I could get a link to the 05 version so I can download it? Or somebody can e-mail me the files or a link at

Thank you.

Posted: 08 Sep 2006 19:02
by ghitao
I'm also looking for version 05. If any success please give us a sign.


Posted: 08 Sep 2006 21:07
by lcmenasco
Unfortunately, I don't thing anyone is going to find _05 posted anywhere on the net, if Pyhton hasn't posted it themselves (and they haven't), because it would violate the license agreement we all click yes on when we install it. I just happened to be lucky enough to have downloaded it from the Phyton site a couple of weeks before they made their changes (which look like they were specifically targeted to thwart ME's ide/compiler). It's a pretty large file (aprox 8.5mb). It was actually several weeks later that I purchased ME's ide/compiler, at that time I also loaded the latest Phyton software (_07 at that time) and found that there was a problem. Then about a week or so later _09 came up, which I though would have a fix for the problem, but no-go. That's when I came to the realization that it was probably a deliberate step by Phyton (along with their stated "improvement" that the assembler was now embedded).


Really looking forward to ME's assembler, though. I'm pretty happy about everything else as far as ME's software goes.