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HAL UART Library problem

Posted: 26 Apr 2024 19:44
Hello i have looked at this example from Mikrosdk help examples it uses uart interrupts:

Code: Select all

 * Any initialization code needed for MCU to function properly.
 * Do not remove this line or clock might not be set correctly.
#include "preinit.h"

//include files and opjects for UART
#include "MikroSDK.Hal.UART"
static hal_uart_t hal_uart;
// UART HAL config structure
static hal_uart_config_t hal_uart_cfg;
// Be careful to have large enough buffers
static uint8_t uart_rx_buffer[128];
// Be careful to have large enough buffers
static uint8_t uart_tx_buffer[128];

static size_t size;

//initialization function of UART
void application_init_uart ( void )
    // Fill structure with default values
    hal_uart_configure_default( &hal_uart_cfg );//uart_configure_default( &uart_cfg );

    // Specify desired UART RX pin
    hal_uart_cfg.rx_pin = PA10;
    // Specify desired UART TX pin
    hal_uart_cfg.tx_pin = PA9;
    // Declare buffer size
    hal_uart_cfg.tx_ring_size = sizeof(uart_tx_buffer);
    // Declare buffer size
    hal_uart_cfg.rx_ring_size = sizeof(uart_rx_buffer);
    if ( hal_uart_open( &hal_uart.handle, true ) == HAL_UART_ERROR )
            // Error handling strategy


int main(void)
    /* Do not remove this line or clock might not be set correctly. */

    application_init_uart ();

    while (1)
       size = hal_uart_println( &hal_uart.handle, "Hello!" ); // Print out "Hello!" with new line every second.

    return 0;

-The program compiles with no errors but in the UART terminal it doesn't display any message ! even though i tried check all the wiring and connections with the pc and mcu but with no success!.

-Second how can i use interrupt receive on rx pin ?

please MikroE team i have been trying for almost three days with no success please any help i have searched also Mikrosdk help but it doesn't contain any working example. I have also attached the project folder.

kind regards,