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NECTO Studio 4.0 IS HERE!

Posted: 20 Jul 2023 09:25
by filip
Dear NECTO Studio user, NECTO 4.0 is here!

MIKROE, an industry powerhouse in embedded systems and development boards, has released a transformative update for its NECTO Studio and mikroSDK. This release is geared towards empowering embedded systems developers by providing them with cutting-edge tools and functionalities.

NECTO Studio, the acclaimed Integrated Development Environment (IDE) by MIKROE, receives an infusion of new features in this update, including full releases of mikroC AI for ARM, PIC, PIC32, dsPIC, and AVR. The update also brings in GNU C for ARM.


1. GNU C for ARM Support in NECTO Studio

One of the most significant new features is the integration of GNU C compiler for ARM within NECTO Studio. This integration is natural and seamless, and it extends support for a range of cores including M0, M0+, M3, M4, and M7 from various vendors such as STMicroelectronics, Texas Instruments, and NXP.

This integration is especially beneficial as it provides compatibility with mikroSDK libraries for ARM, allowing developers to use a myriad of Click libraries on ARM microcontrollers with the GNU C Compiler. Moreover, developers can switch between different architectures without the need to modify their code.

Additionally, there is unique support for delay libraries that can handle microsecond and millisecond delays on all supported MCUs in GCC ARM, making timing control more precise and flexible.

2. NECTO Studio Plot Feature

The introduction of NECTO Studio Plot Feature is set to change how developers collect and visualize data from microcontrollers. NECTO Studio Plot is a real-time data collection tool that requires no additional hardware or bulky libraries.
With just a single line of code, developers can log data, which is collected in an Excel-like table view. This data can be exported to a CSV file at any moment, which is highly beneficial for data analysis and reporting.

Additionally, NECTO Studio Plot feature supports six different types of charts for visual representation of data, enhancing the ability to make data-driven decisions and insights.

3. File System Support in mikroSDK

The update brings a new File System (FAT) feature to mikroSDK. This implementation is based on the industry-standard FatFs and has been optimized for embedded systems, extending support across MCUs from 8-bit to 32-bit architectures in mikroSDK.
Developers now have access to a plethora of functions for working with file systems, such as mounting and unmounting drives, opening, creating, reading, writing, removing, and deleting files and folders, as well as formatting drives or partitions.

4. dsPIC mikroSDK support

MikroSDK goes 16bit! With 380 dsPIC/PIC24 MCUs newly added, mikroSDK now covers all embedded architectures from 8 bits to 32bits. It goes without saying that now you can enjoy all the powerful features of mikroSDK like graphical library, touch (capacitive or resistive) library or any of the long list of implemented MCU module libraries (ADC, I2C etc.) on 16bit MCUs.

5. mikroSDK:

mikroSDK has undergone a series of improvements. Just to name a few:
  • mikroSDK logger has been modified to comply with the latest changes to NECTO Studio. Users can now choose between built-in application output and hardware UART for their projects.
  • Addition of custom boards is now easier than ever in combination with the powerful new tool and adapted mikroSDK BSP layer.
  • Graphic library has a new object - ellipse
  • Arduino Uno Rev3 board has been added to mikroSDK along with whole mikroBUS module support.

1. Welcome Page Redesign
The welcome page has undergone a complete overhaul, with an intuitive and sleek design that streamlines the user experience. The action buttons for creating a new project, opening an existing project, and accessing setups have been strategically relocated to the left navigation panel. This ensures quicker access to core functionalities and enhances workflow efficiency for developers.

2. Enhanced Planet Debug
Planet Debug sees significant improvements in this update. One notable enhancement is the automated sorting feature for Planet Debug boards view, which smartly prioritizes and displays available boards at the forefront. This sorting mechanism saves developers' time, enabling them to quickly identify and select the boards they need without scrolling through a potentially long list.

3. Project Manager Upgrades
The Project Manager is now more powerful and versatile with several new features. Firstly, the Project Explorer tree now offers options for flat and structured tree views, providing developers with greater control and flexibility in how they organize and navigate through their project files.

Another addition is the "Close all projects" action which, as the name suggests, allows users to close all open projects simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful in cases where developers are juggling with multiple projects and need to quickly clear their workspace.

Furthermore, the Project Manager now facilitates creating new files on relative paths to the current project. This is a welcome addition for developers seeking to maintain a clean and structured directory for their projects.

4. Improved Support for Relative Path
This update also addresses the need for better file and directory management. The addition of support for creating new files on relative paths to the current project is aimed at providing a more organized and efficient environment for developers. This means that developers can keep their project files and directories neatly structured and easily navigatable.

5. Enhanced Debugger and Fixes
The update has also focused on enhancing the debugging experience by fixing issues with debugging active projects when more than one project is open, which previously did not function as expected. These debugging improvements are critical for developers, as efficient debugging is central to a smooth development process.

6. MIKROE Passport
MIKROE Passport is an innovative and unique login system that unifies access across all MIKROE platforms, including NECTO Studio, Planet Debug, Libstock, MIKROE forum and MIKROE shop.

One of the advantages of MIKROE Passport is that developers can use their existing accounts from Google, GitHub, Microsoft, Facebook, or Apple to connect with MIKROE Passport. This eliminates the need for maintaining multiple accounts and passwords, making access to MIKROE’s resources more streamlined and hassle-free.

7. The New mikroSDK 2.8.0
Alongside the NECTO Studio update, mikroSDK 2.8.0 has been launched. A notable addition is the integration of the FAT file system (FatFs), which is tailored for embedded systems and extends support across all MCUs in mikroSDK. This addition facilitates operations like mounting/unmounting drives and file manipulation.

Moreover, mikroSDK now extends support for dsPIC and PIC24 MCUs, which opens a wealth of opportunities for developers, including full module support for ADC, SPI, UART, I2C, PWM, OneWire, and GPIO.

8. Expansion in Hardware Support
MIKROE’s update also expands support for new hardware development boards as well as a new set of SiBRAIN cards. Here is the full list of new hardware:

  • Easy24-33 v6
  • EasyPIC v8 for dsPIC30
  • EasyPIC v8 for PIC24/dsPIC33
  • EasyPIC v7 for dsPIC30
  • Clicker 2 for PIC24
  • Clicker 2 for dsPIC33
  • mikromedia for PIC24
  • mikromedia for PIC24EP
  • mikromedia for dsPIC33
  • mikromedia for dsPIC33EP
  • Sibrain for dsPIC33EP512MU814
  • Sibrain for dsPIC33FJ256GP710A
  • Sibrain for PIC24EP512GU814
  • Sibrain for PIC24HJ256GP610
  • EasyPIC Fusion v7 MCUcard with dsPIC33EP512MU810
  • EasyPIC Fusion v7 MCUcard with dsPIC33FJ256GP710A
  • EasyPIC Fusion v7 MCUcard with PIC24EP512GU810
  • EasyPIC Fusion v7 MCUcard with PIC24FJ128GA310
  • PIC24FJ256GA7 Curiosity Development Board
  • Curiosity PIC32MZ EF
  • Explorer 16/32 Development board
MCU cards:
  • Adding support for new MCU vendors and families (hence "CODEGRIP" & "mikroSDK 2.8.0" update process needed)
  • Support in NECTO Studio Designer application for "LVGL" library (Light and Versatile Graphics Library)
  • mikroSDK 2.8.0 middleware enhancement
  • Chat support in NECTO Studio
For a full list of all improvements and bug fixes please check out the RoadMap and Release changes on the NECTO Studio page -