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micromedia stm32 tft

Posted: 13 Jan 2020 14:38
by darione
I bought visual tft v.4.6
I have tried the examples that are there, they work well
I tried to make a new project with visual TFT

no new projects work, tft works but touch panel doesn't work
I calibrate by touching the corners

the panel has 320x240 points
I followed the instructions on the internet ... but I can't work the TP

can someone help me??
thank you

Re: micromedia stm32 tft

Posted: 14 Jan 2020 12:14
by stefan.filipovic

Are you using mikromedia for STM32 M4 or M3?
I've attached a simple project and VTFT Pattern for mikromedia for STM32 M4, feel free to test it.

Kind regards,

Re: micromedia stm32 tft

Posted: 14 Jan 2020 21:05
by darione
hi Stefan

thank you very much

I, perhaps, understood the problem
the problem could be the calibration of the touch panel

if ,in visual TFT, I use TP manual calibration nothing works
if, in visual TFT, I use TP PRESET calibration it works well


i use mikrobasic compiler (you have example in mikrobasic , to solve this problem??)



P.S. TFT version 4.6 not load your test project ( to old)
i use M4

Re: micromedia stm32 tft

Posted: 15 Jan 2020 10:06
by stefan.filipovic

Please find the example in mikroBasic in the attachment.
Are you using the latest version of mikroBasic PRO for ARM v6.2.0?
The VisualTFT has been integrated into the latest version of the compiler, so you do not need to run the VTFT project file separately.

Kind regards,

Re: micromedia stm32 tft

Posted: 15 Jan 2020 17:06
by darione

my version mikrobasic is 4.5.2

your example is loaded in mikrobasic ...... But not run
only white screen appear.

not running in basic and not running in TFT :( :( boooo

you use old compiler?

the example downloaded from mikroelektronica site works well
but new project not running.

new project work only if manual calibration is selected (see picture attach)


Re: micromedia stm32 tft

Posted: 16 Jan 2020 10:10
by stefan.filipovic

I really suggest you consider upgrading to the latest v6.2.0 mikroBasic PRO for ARM.
Here is the download link: ...

Kind regards,

Re: micromedia stm32 tft

Posted: 23 Jan 2020 13:55
by darione
my hardware key (dongle) is to version 5.4

but more problem , the example for mikromedia is lot of error.
(see picture )

with explanations MIKROE it is not clear how to plan.
the examples don't work .... boooo.
what is it for?


Re: micromedia stm32 tft

Posted: 27 Jan 2020 14:14
by stefan.filipovic

Once purchased, the USB dongle license works with every version of the compiler. When you update your compiler the USB dongle license is operational right away.
Have you tried to run this example in v6.2.0?

Kind regards,