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port code from xc to mikroc

Posted: 22 May 2018 13:48
by nusret3
hi there

mikroc does not have a tool like microchip code configurator so I use mcc to create initialization code.
It's been working for 8 bit but I got stuck with DSC
is there anyone can port this to mikroC?

Code: Select all

inline static void use_failsafe_stack(void)
    static uint8_t failsafe_stack[32];
    asm volatile (
        "   mov    %[pstack], W15\n"
        : [pstack]"r"(failsafe_stack)
/* Controls where the stack pointer limit is, relative to the end of the
 * failsafe stack
    SPLIM = (uint16_t)(((uint8_t *)failsafe_stack) + sizeof(failsafe_stack) 