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Live update for dsPIC compilers released on February 15

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 10:57
by srdjan.misic
Live update for compilers released on February 15

A live update for mikroC, mikroBasic and mikroPascal for all architectures
except 8051 (so PIC, PIC32, dsPIC/PIC24, AVR, FT90x, and ARM) has been
released on February 15.

We rolled out the update because we made minor interventions to the TFT
library. It now supports the ST7789V TFT controller and includes automatic
detection of whether the connected display is driven by an ILI9341 or ST7789V controller.

This update doesn’t affect our software roadmap and release dates. The changes
to the TFT library also do NOT require any changes in user’s code.

The update was rolled to support both types of graphic displays that are used
on mikromedia boards, to provide automatic detection of the controller.

To install the update, launch the compiler, go to Help >>> Check for Updates.
