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Customizable Firmware update utility for USB HID bootloader

Posted: 16 Apr 2018 21:05
by cbrun_CCI
Curious whether or not MikroE plans to release source code for bootloader PC application or if there are plans to allow customization. We rely on MicroE compilers and development tools to produce products which ultimately end up in the hands of customers, however, sending a customer the MikroE branded application is not what we consider a good solution.

There are not many (if any) Visual Studio application templates available for building a custom application to communicate with a MikroE (MikroC in my case) based USB HID bootloader.

I see MikroE will customize the application with company logo but that's doesn't help when I want to customize other features in the bootloader MCU code.


Re: Customizable Firmware update utility for USB HID bootloa

Posted: 19 Apr 2018 15:35
by filip

I believe we have an on-going conversation on the HelpDesk, so lets please continue there.
