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MicroC Concatenate and conversion

Posted: 31 Dec 2015 10:13
by yanal
If i have a Char array Like : getRequest[20] , and i want To specify some digits of this array to be stored in a variable Like : L_Id .. what is the type of L_Id and how to concatenate more than one digit !!

For example I want like that :
getRequest[1]=1 ; getRequest[8]=5;

and i want to store this two digit within L_Id variable to be > L_ID=15 ;

wish you a nice day :D

Re: MicroC Concatenate and conversion

Posted: 05 Jan 2016 16:26
by uros.cvetinovic

I believe I have answered you on that question in the other topic.

Best regards,

Uros Cvetinovic