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speakup UART connection

Posted: 15 Aug 2019 10:17
by cybersteve
I know this question has been asked before, but I cannot find the solution.
I have connected speakup to my pc (via the TX/RX pins) to a RS232/TTL to USB converter and I monitor the output from speakup using a terminal program (Hercules).
When speakup powers up, I see "READY" on my PC/ But, when I talk to speakup, I do not see the index of the recorded words - nothing is sent. I do get response on the LEDs - but just a short flash on the red light, not half a second.
There is talk of standalone and click mode in the documentation, but no explanation of how you select these modes.

Re: speakup UART connection

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 11:52
by stefan.filipovic

Welcome to the MikroE forum.

SpeakUp click sends a 16-bit index number of the voice command, as stated in the SpeakUp user manual:
Notify master: Notifies the master (MCU or PC) when the voice command is recognized by sending a 16-bit index number of voice command via chosen communication interface (UART or USB).

It won't send a number as a text so you probably need to set Hercules to output decimal numbers (right-click on the data space -> Special Chars -> Decimal).

Kind regards,

Re: speakup UART connection

Posted: 17 Aug 2019 07:54
by cybersteve
Thanks stefan. I am now getting the occasional [01][00]. Lots more to learn:)

Re: speakup UART connection

Posted: 19 Aug 2019 13:55
by stefan.filipovic

You're welcome.

Kind regards,