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MikroProg Errors after a few uses

Posted: 20 Feb 2022 10:11
by chris11jed
Hi MikroE Team,

I have an issue (a recent, but ongoing, 'on and off' thing) with the MikroProg. I can only use it for a handful of uses, and then it throws errors (the 'on and off' thing I refer to).

PCB set up:
PIC: PIC18F46K22
OSC: 8MHz crystal; 4xPLL = Enabled; Clock frequency set at 32MHz in 'Edit Project' window.
Power: +5V
Header for MikroProg: Exactly as is laid out on page 17 (Figure 8-3) of the MikroProg for PIC User Manual.
MikroBASIC PRO for PIC v7.6.0 used to write code.

MikroProg details:
MikroProg Suite for PIC Version: V2.90
MikroProg Firmware Version: V2.11
MikroProg HW Version: V1.16.12.21

How I set the PCB up for programming, and then testing of the code:
  1. Turn off the Bench Power Supply (0V) to PCB
  2. Remove links across header (Links in yellow, as shown in Figure 8-4 of User Manual. I use a 4-way DIL switch, across Vcc, PGC, PGD and MCLR. So, the switch positions are slid to an 'Off' or 'Open' position)
  3. Plug in MikroProg Header, into PCB 'programming header' correctly (As shown in Figure 8-2, of User Manual)
  4. Click 'Build and Program' in MikroBASIC PRO for PIC V7.6.0
  5. See the code being programmed, via correct flashing of MikroProg indication LEDs
  6. Unplug the MikroProg Header from the PCB
  7. Put links back (I use a switch, so it's slide each of the four to an 'On' or 'Closed' position, making the circuit)
  8. Turn on the Bench Power Supply (+5V) to PCB
  9. See the results of the programmed code

Errors I get:
I either get the MikroProg Suite for PIC telling me it can't identify the PIC, or there's a Vdd error.

What happens if I change the PIC:
When changing the PIC18F46K22 for another one, the same error 'Unknown MCU', or the 'Vdd voltage level error', happens after the second programming. That is, first programming works, then the second throws an error.
I can put both PIC18F46K22's into my EasyPIC v7 and program them successfully. The code programs into each chip fine, as many times as I like to try.
I have also tested a PIC18F45K22, and I will get the same issue, either 'Unknown MCU' or 'Vdd voltage level error'.
I have then tested this PIC18F45K22 MCU in the EasyPIC v7, and it programs fine.

Other characteristics:
  1. MikroProg works fine for a handful of times, maybe 5 or 6 tries, then throws the error, which will usually be the 'Unknown MCU' error.
  2. MikroProg is warm, not too hot.
  3. MikroProg Suite works fine, because as stated above, when I try to program the MCU in the EasyPIC v7, no errors.
So... any ideas? Why does this happen? This is my second MikroProg unit. I had troubles with the one before this unit, which I made a Forum topic about, and was told, after going through ideas with one of the MikroE team, that that unit was probably broken. So, I bought this one.

I really don't want to have to buy another one.

This unit has only been used a handful of times since buying it, sometimes more than the 5 or 6 times in the one sitting, without it throwing any errors. After the issues with the earlier unit were discussed in the previous forum topic linked above, I implemented the nine steps listed in the heading 'How I set the PCB up for programming, and then testing of the code', when using this one. Basically being, turn the power off and then program the MCU.

Anyway, any ideas/help in diagnosing the issue would be much appreciated.


Re: MikroProg Errors after a few uses

Posted: 21 Feb 2022 14:50
by filip

I am sorry for the issues you are having, is it possible that you try programming these MCUs outside of your PCB, on a breadboard for example ?



Posted: 22 Feb 2022 08:11
by chris11jed
Hi Filip,

I have created a breadboard circuit, which flashes an LED on LATD1_bit using a PIC18F46K22 MCU. I am powering the circuit via the mikroProg (Voltage Options).

It has the same things the PCB circuit has on MCU-Vcc side of the programming header, like the 10K resistor and 100nF capacitor used in the reset button circuit (also seen in Figure 8-2 of the user manual), and a 10uF/16V electrolytic capacitor across the MCU vcc and gnd pins.

I have been able to program it, changing the blink rate successfully, several times over. So, that's promising.

Just for further reference, I will add in screenshots of the circuit and PCB footprint designs. Maybe you can see something I am missing?

PIC18F46K22 and programming header + 4-way 'Bypass' switch (replaces links) schematic:

PCB footprint of the schematic circuit, showing the programming header, 'Bypass' 4-way switch, and 'reset' button circuit:

If there's something that might be causing this issue in the actual circuit, and you can easily see it, I'd love to know.

Also, a correction; In my original post, I stated that one of the errors was 'Vdd error'. It's actually 'Vpp error, as seen here;
You should also be able to see that below-right of the error window, the 'Type' and 'Revision' fields are blank. That's what happens when the 'Unknown MCU' error appears.

For my own curiosity, what is the "Vpp", seen in the 'Voltage Options' section?
I noticed, when programming, it gets up to around 8.7V, while Vcc is around 3.3 V
I am guessing that these two voltages are to do with the specifications the MCU uses, to know it's being programmed, correct?

Thank you for your time and for trying to help me Filip, much appreciated.

Re: MikroProg Errors after a few uses

Posted: 11 Mar 2022 12:07
by filip

The VPP voltage is applied to MCLR pin to enter programming mode, so I guess this is something to do with this line on your PCB.
