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mikroBasic PRO for ARM 4.5.0. released

Posted: 26 Nov 2014 21:07
by srdjan.misic
mikroBasic PRO for ARM 4.5.0. released

Vendors make new chips then we rush to support them in our compiler — it's an
ARM's race, and our software department looked like a war room in these past
few days, everyone in haste to get everything in order for the D-Day. And here it is,
mikroBasic for ARM version 4.5.0 is out, adding support for 151 new MCUs (for a total of 759)


While the previous ARM update was Tiva focused, this one adds support for new
STM32s. There are ARM Cortex-M0, M0+, M3 and M4 among the 151 newly
supported STM32 MCUs. Included are MCUs from the ultralow power L0 and
L1 series, the high performance F4 series, as well as the so-called
mainstream F0 and F3 series.

But that isn’t to say that Tiva C Series is neglected. The release incorporates examples for
the EasyMx for Tiva C Series development board, and for mikromedia for Tiva C Series.

New libraries and functions are also added. Namely, NVIC_SetIntPriority function
for STM MCUs, and an EEPROM library for TIVA.

Some issues and minor bugs from previous releases are also fixed. For details, visit
the page of your preferred ARM compiler, mikroBasic.

Yours sincerely,