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Bug 07000005: table read/write PIC18 in main & interrupt

Posted: 14 Nov 2007 09:18
by srdjan
Bug ID: #07000005
Submitted by: bruno

Severity: Mayor (affects mikroPascal v7.0.0.0, pic18 family )
Status: Pending.

Using table read/write PIC18 operations may cause malfunction when used from main loop and from interrupt at the same time
The reason is the registers TBLPTR[U:H:L] and TABLAT are not saved during ISR.

Save these registers yourself in interrupt. See the example code below.

Code: Select all

procedure    interrupt();
  var a, b, c, d : byte;
        a := TBLPTRL ;
        b := TBLPTRH ;
        c := TBLPTRU ;
        d := TABLAT ;

        // your code here...

        TBLPTRL := a ;
        TBLPTRH := b ;
        TBLPTRU := c ;
        TABLAT := d ;