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Large Font question

Posted: 21 Mar 2012 14:43
by castingflame
I am using GLCD font creator to display large digits on a DVM display that I am building. The font has displayed correctly but when the DVM changes value it sometimes leaves part of the previous character behind corrupting the display. Is this a bug in the software or is there a resolution?



Re: Large Font question

Posted: 22 Mar 2012 10:13
by filip

Did you clear the previous displayed values prior to displaying new values ?
This sound like a problem with the clearing.


Re: Large Font question

Posted: 22 Mar 2012 15:29
by castingflame
Thanks for the response filip.

I had tried this with Glcd_Fill(0x00) but I get a constant flashing. Would I be correct in saying that I should use the Glcd_Fill command but use it with some sort of,

If value changes - Glcd_fill - update display with new data, event . . . to only update the display when it changes?

Re: Large Font question

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 09:51
by filip

You could do that, but I suggest you that you use one of these methods for clearing the displayed value instead of clearing the whole display :
1. Draw a rectangle that will cover/delete only the value, not the whole screen,
2. Once you detect that the value has changed, write it in the color of the background, i.e. delete it, and then write a new value.
