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Usart terminal - slow refresh

Posted: 27 Sep 2014 07:41
by VCC
Hi mikroe team,
the Usart terminal (receiving TMemo) has a very slow refresh when the window is visible. Because of this, on fast connections, the log misses a lot of incoming information from PIC (the buffer can't keep up). When mikroPascal is minimized, there is no refresh problem and I notice no miss. Can you fix this somehow, please?
Thank you :D

Re: Usart terminal - slow refresh

Posted: 29 Sep 2014 16:47
by dejan.odabasic

Thank you for your suggestion.
We are aware of the slow UART terminal problem.

Modification of the USART Terminal is on our wish list.

Best regards.

Re: Usart terminal - slow refresh

Posted: 29 Sep 2014 18:46
by VCC
When you are going to work on this, please add the possibility to select a custom baud rate, e.g. 250000.
Thank you :D