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Fast-Easy Favorites Code blocks?

Posted: 12 Dec 2012 22:17
by Megahurts
Hey Guys,

The more time I spend coding, the more I wish there was a favorites code feature in the compilers (all of them).
I use Copy and Paste a lot for multiple lines of code or variable names that need to be re-used, but being able to only have one clipboard
(due to MS Windows) storage space available really slows down the process.

If we could select a block or individual items of code by highlighting it and then just by right clicking on it, add it to a favorites manager list for re-selecting
later by a right-click or from a docked (or floating) window (like code explorer, library manager.....), would be really nice.

Even something that would keep track of the last 5 or 10 things copied and selectable from the right-click menu would greatly speed up the coding process.

Macro's are great and all, but lack the flexibility for fast setup and designed for keyboard usage mostly. I think something that is mouse based would add to
the other tools already available.
You can not highlight stuff with a keyboard, so why not add the power of shortcuts to the mouses functions?

Please consider this and thanks for letting us have the input to request things like this, Robert.

Re: Fast-Easy Favorites Code blocks?

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 12:08
by filip

Thank you for your proposal, I will pass it to our developers.
