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USB HID example

Posted: 02 Sep 2023 21:26
by bakerj
I recenetly used the built-in USB HID terminal example from Mikroe (ie. the USB_Read_Write_Interrupt example) with the Easy-PIC Fusion 7 board and the PIC32MX2048144 chip and that works fine. I then set up a custom board using the smaller footprint (but same family) PIC32MZ2048100 chip. The only difference between these chips is the pin count (144 vs 100). I have verified using a multimeter that my custom board has the correct connections between the USB pins on the PIC chip and the USB connector (ie P51=VBUS, P54=D-, P55=D+, P56=ID). I programmed the exact same code that worked on the 144 pin chip into the 100 pin chip but the HID terminal does not see the new device. I verified that the code is running by blinking an LED.

Is there something I should do to alter the USB_Read_Write_Interrupt example in going from the 144pin PICMZ2048 device to the 100 pin device?

Re: USB HID example

Posted: 05 Sep 2023 12:13
by AntiMember
Is there a resistor with D+ to VCC in new scheme?

Re: USB HID example

Posted: 11 Dec 2023 05:46
by enomenon
When transitioning from the PIC32MX2048144 chip to the PIC32MZ2048100 chip in your custom board, there are a few considerations related to USB functionality that you should keep in mind.