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A list of 6 wishes for the next versionsn

Posted: 31 Jan 2014 11:26
by hooper
my wish list is not restricted only to the PIC32 but can be applied for all compiles:


a. The RUN command today only start the program run and stops at the beginning of the main() function.
This enables the user to mark break points and continue debugging.
When several break points are marked and they are spanned among several files in order to hit a break point you have to move the
cursor beyond the last break point (and you not always know which will be the last) and then hit the run-to-cursor button.
It will be more convenient if there will be a button that will automatically implement the following: move cursor to the last line in the
main() and implement run-to cursor. this actually will start running the program until it hits the first break point...
b. move variables to watch window by drag and drop.


a. Add to the help full list of compiler messages and their meanings and some clues how to overcome some of messages.

3. IDE

a. Usually users ( at least me) jump to function declaration just for brief browsing and then return back. if a BACK button will be
implemented it will make it much easier to navigate back. I might even enlarge this option for nested back navigation.
b. search: enable search in ALL project files (not only the opened files).
c. bookmarks: bookmarks are today implemented by file. this means hat you might assign bookmark #1 in each file. I would like the
bookmarks to be numbered automatically by implementing ADD NEW BOOKMARK button and it should span all the project files. and navigation will be by either typing the desired
bookmark number or by navigating by "MOVE TO NEXT/PREV BOOKMARK" buttons. and the navigation will be spanned across files
and not restricted to a single file.

Re: A list of 6 wishes for the next versionsn

Posted: 03 Feb 2014 16:02
by marina.petrovic

Thank you very much for your suggestions, we really appreciate it.
I will pass your suggestion to our software developers and they will certainly consider it and
if it's possible, implement it in one of the next compiler release.

Best regards,