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Posted: 19 May 2020 17:56
by mkrumov
Hi Mikroe Team,

do you have working USB example for PIC32MZ2048EFH064 MCU.
I have trouble and no idea at now :)


Re: PIC32MZ2048EFH064 USB

Posted: 20 May 2020 16:05
by jovana.medakovic
Hi Marion,

In our compiler, on the path:
...\Mikroelektronika\mikroC PRO for PIC32\Examples\Internal MCU modules\P32MZ2048EFH144\USB
you can find USB example for P32MZ2048EFH144 MCU.

Kind regards,

Re: PIC32MZ2048EFH064 USB

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 23:23
by rusovcev
Hi! I've just got the PIC32MZ Clicker, and I've tried to run USB code from examples you have mentioned, and so polling is working, but interrupt version does not? What's the catch? Thank you!

Re: PIC32MZ2048EFH064 USB

Posted: 24 Jul 2020 14:44
by jovana.medakovic

Can you tell me what you are using to program your PIC32MZ clicker? Are you using a PIC programmer or bootloader application?
Can you zip and send me both your projects?

Kind regards,

Re: PIC32MZ2048EFH064 USB

Posted: 19 Aug 2021 08:53
Hello Jovana,

Sorry if this is an intrusion into this post, I would like to reply to this as I am using the bootloader with clikcer2 mz and clicker mz, both the MZ examples supplied stall my code.

I have a timer interrupt which flashes one onboard led, if i comment out the usb code within the main function the led's flash, however if uncommented the led's never get to flash, does the bootloader make a difference?

MikroC's USB example was used directly, I added a Timer1 interrupt which was coded by using the Timer application from Mikroe.

Kind Regards

Re: PIC32MZ2048EFH064 USB

Posted: 26 Feb 2022 09:38
Hello Jovana,

Sorry for taking long to reply.

I am using the Bootloader, I do not have a working usb interrupt example for clicker2 or clicker yet, I would like to use the CDC library provided by mikroe team but this requires USB interrupt to work.

To reply to David with regards to the code stalling during polling, don't try calling the USB_Polling_Proc(); // Call this routine periodically from inside a timer interrupt of callback from timer interrupt, it stalls my code when I do.

Thank you
