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Routines for Touch controler XPT2046

Posted: 01 Sep 2015 21:33
by Jardik
Hello Mikroe team,

here is code for Mikrobasic Pro for PIC32 and Visual TFT for Touch screen controler XPT2046:


module xpt2046
' Use HW spi2 modul
dim Xcoord as word external
Ycoord as word external
PenDown as byte external

dim SPI_TP_CS as sbit at LATD8_bit
SPI_TP_CS_Direction as sbit at TRISD8_bit
SPI_TP_IRQ as sbit at PORTD.B11
SPI_TP_IRQ_Direction as sbit at TRISD11_bit

dim xvysl as word
yvysl as word
xnativ as word
ynativ as word

sub procedure SPI_TP_Init()
sub procedure SPI_TP_Check()
sub function SPI_TP_Read_Once(dim address as char) as word
sub function SPI_TP_Get_Coordinates() as char
sub procedure SPI_TP_Info(dim sloupec as word,dim radek as word,dim barva as word)


sub procedure SPI_TP_Init()
SPI_TP_CS_Direction = 0
SPI_TP_IRQ_Direction = 1


SPI_TP_IRQ_Direction = 1


Xcoord = 0
Ycoord = 0

end sub

sub function SPI_TP_Read_Once(dim address as char) as word
dim hodnota as word


hodnota = SPI2_Read(0)
hodnota = hodnota << 8
hodnota = hodnota + SPI2_Read(0)
hodnota = hodnota >> 3 ' Prise en charge CLK pendant BUSY
result = hodnota

end sub

sub function SPI_TP_Get_Coordinates() as char
dim x as word
y as word
dim x_min as word
x_max as word
y_min as word
y_max as word
dim x_div as float
y_div as float
'char debug_text[100]
x_min = 200
x_max = 3900
y_min = 200
y_max = 3900


x = SPI_TP_Read_Once(0xD0)
y = SPI_TP_Read_Once(0x90)


'sprintf(debug_text, "X = %u ; Y = %u", x, y);

if (x = 0) or (x = 4095) or (y = 0) or (y = 4095) then
result= 1
end if

if x < x_min then
x = x_min
end if
if x > x_max then
x = x_max
end if

if y < y_min then
y = y_min
end if
if y > y_max then
y = y_max
end if
x = x-x_min
y = y-y_min

x_div = x_max
x_div = x_div - x_min
x_div = x_div / 800
y_div = y_max
y_div = y_div - y_min
y_div = y_div / 480

x = x / x_div
y = y / y_div

xvysl = x
yvysl = y

result= 0
end sub

sub procedure SPI_TP_Check()
if SPI_TP_IRQ = 0 then
if SPI_TP_Get_Coordinates() = 0 then

TFT_Dot(Xvysl, Yvysl, CL_white)
TFT_Dot(Xvysl + 1, Yvysl, CL_white)
TFT_Dot(Xvysl, Yvysl + 1, CL_white)
TFT_Dot(Xvysl + 1, Yvysl + 1, CL_white)

delay_ms(200) ' Anti rebond

TFT_Dot(Xvysl, Yvysl, CL_BLACK)
TFT_Dot(Xvysl + 1, Yvysl, CL_BLACK)
TFT_Dot(Xvysl, Yvysl + 1, CL_BLACK)
TFT_Dot(Xvysl + 1, Yvysl + 1, CL_BLACK)
end if

end if

end sub

sub procedure SPI_TP_Info(dim sloupec as word,dim radek as word,dim barva as word)

dim txt65buf as string[5]
dim txt66buf as string[5]
dim txt67buf as string[14]
if SPI_TP_IRQ = 0 then
WordToStr(xnativ, txt65buf)
WordToStr(ynativ, txt66buf)
TFT_Set_Pen(CL_black, 1)
TFT_Write_Text(txt67buf, sloupec, radek)
' TFT_Set_Pen(CL_white, 12)
TFT_Set_Brush(1, 1, 0, LEFT_TO_RIGHT, CL_white, CL_white)
TFT_Rectangle(sloupec, radek, sloupec+50, radek+12)
' TFT_Line(sloupec, radek, sloupec+55, radek)
end if

end sub




sub procedure Check_TP()
if SPI_TP_IRQ = 0 then
' After a PRESS is detected read X-Y and convert it to 128x64 space
if (SPI_TP_Get_Coordinates=0) then
Process_TP_Press(Xvysl, Yvysl)
if PenDown = 0 then
PenDown = 1
Process_TP_Down(Xvysl, Yvysl)
end if
end if
if PenDown = 1 then
PenDown = 0
Process_TP_Up(Xvysl, Yvysl)
end if
end if
end sub

Would it be possible for this module and procedure for Visual TFT integrated into Visual TFT as an additional touch controler.

It is very annoying after each change in Visual TFT rewrite automatic insertion routine !!!!

Thank you

Re: Routines for Touch controler XPT2046

Posted: 02 Sep 2015 14:33
by aleksa.jovanovic
Please refer to this post

Best regards,

Re: Routines for Touch controler XPT2046

Posted: 02 Sep 2015 20:13
by Jardik

And when you integrate into the Visual Controller XPT2046 TFT ???

The hardest work - functional code is complete. The only thing left to integrate into the Visual TFT. It must do Mikroe team.

Tell us any specific binding deadline integration ???

Thank you

Re: Routines for Touch controler XPT2046

Posted: 03 Sep 2015 08:43
by aleksa.jovanovic

I can't tell you at this point when it will be.
It is on our software team to do list and there is no specific date listed there.

Please avoid posting multiple posts with the same message. Thanks.

Best regards,