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Re: SPI support for ILI9341

Posted: 26 May 2014 13:44
by fspfde
Thank for your answer but when I try to remplace TFT_Init(320, 240) by TFT_Init_ILI9341(240, 320) or TFT_Init_ILI9341_8bit(240, 320) or TFT_Init_ILI9341_16bit(240, 320) in the TFT example find in the web site nothing is display on the screen.
I am using mikromedia board for pic24.

#include <built_in.h>

// TFT display connections
unsigned short TFT_DataPort at LATE;
sbit TFT_WR at LATD13_bit;
sbit TFT_RD at LATD12_bit;
sbit TFT_CS at LATC3_bit;
sbit TFT_RS at LATB15_bit;
sbit TFT_RST at LATC1_bit;

unsigned short TFT_DataPort_Direction at TRISE;
sbit TFT_WR_Direction at TRISD13_bit;
sbit TFT_RD_Direction at TRISD12_bit;
sbit TFT_CS_Direction at TRISC3_bit;
sbit TFT_RS_Direction at TRISB15_bit;
sbit TFT_RST_Direction at TRISC1_bit;

const code far char Image1_pic24_img[36265];

void main() {

TFT_Init_ILI9341_8bit(240, 320);

TFT_Image_Jpeg(0, 0, Image1_pic24_img);

However, when I upload a calculator.hex from Visual TFT example it works.
Do you have an idea to fix my problem?

Thank you so much for your help.

Re: SPI support for ILI9341

Posted: 27 May 2014 08:00
by filip

Please, can you attach here the photo of your board ?


Re: SPI support for ILI9341

Posted: 27 May 2014 08:11
by fspfde

You will find the photo in attaches.
Thank you.

Re: SPI support for ILI9341

Posted: 27 May 2014 14:51
by filip

The image is too blurry so I cannot see the hardware revision, could you read it for me ?


Re: SPI support for ILI9341

Posted: 27 May 2014 15:02
by fspfde
Yes for sure, the screen is MI0283QT-9A on mikromedia board for pic24.

Re: SPI support for ILI9341

Posted: 28 May 2014 13:30
by MaGiK
Hello fspfde :D

Is your compiler updated to the latest version?
Update can be done by:

1- Right clicking on program icon then choosing to run as administrator.
2- Clicking on (help) in the tool bar.
3- Choosing (check for updates).

Best Regards

Re: SPI support for ILI9341

Posted: 29 May 2014 09:30
by filip

Which hardware revision of the mikromedia for PIC24 board is it ?


Re: SPI support for ILI9341

Posted: 13 Jul 2014 09:48
by rares.porutiu
Please check out my example on how to use ILI9341 SPI (board made for Arduino with 2.2" TFT and SDCard socket). Example is for ATMEGA644P but contains source and it is easy portable on any chip. Ask me if you have any problems running it. ... ft-library

Re: SPI support for ILI9341

Posted: 04 Feb 2015 03:47
by lerameur
Hello Filip,

Any news concerning intergrating spi library to MikroC with tft screen?


Re: SPI support for ILI9341

Posted: 04 Feb 2015 07:49
by rares.porutiu
If you mean working with TFT library for Ili9341 on SPI with C it should be the same as in Pascal, just translate the lines that I modified into C syntax. I could help if you send the compressed project to my e-mail, as I helped others who contacted me. So please define precisely the terms in your question so I can help :)

Re: SPI support for ILI9341

Posted: 03 Aug 2016 15:55
by morais
Hi ME Team.

Any news about the support for ILI9341 in spi mode?

I´m using the mikroBasic PRO for dsPIC compiller and i intend to use this module:


Re: SPI support for ILI9341

Posted: 08 Aug 2016 12:02
by Aleksandar.Mitrovic

At this moment we do not have precise information regarding the ILI9341 in SPI mode support.

What I do know, is that soon we will have some topic on the forum with enhancement that all users have suggested and you will be able to:

- VOTE for the enhancement (enhancement with the most votes we will realized by our developers)
- suggest new enhancement which can be added to the voting list
- get answer if is possible that suggested enhancement can be realized by our developers
- and more.

So no more forwarding suggestions to the developers and "generic answers" in the future.
All of that will be on the Enhancement page, and up to users and their desires.

Kind regards,

Re: SPI support for ILI9341

Posted: 15 Aug 2016 13:00
by rares.porutiu
Whenever you need information about the SPI mode for ILI9341 I am happy to offer the routines that I tested on various platforms. Then you can just include them in your compiler libraries.

Re: SPI support for ILI9341

Posted: 16 Aug 2016 09:45
by uros.cvetinovic

I believe you uploaded your project to libstock here: ... ft-library


If yes, than thank you for your contribution.
If no, than you can upload your code on libstock.

Best regards,


Re: SPI support for ILI9341

Posted: 16 Aug 2016 18:35
by rares.porutiu
I did upload, routines are clear, but need a little adaptation to different platforms. I mean I am here to help in case anything does not work or needs clarification. Please do not hesitate :)