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SpeakUp UART Interface Issues

Posted: 27 Feb 2016 00:51
by orlanmon
I have purchased the SpeakUp voice recognition module and I love the product except for one thing. The UART interface works by sending command indexes in the following format [xx][00] where xx is the Hexadecimal value for the index of the command recognized. The problem is this works intermittently. I have two command indexes 9 and 10 which consistently return a blank space followed by a [00] or just a [00]. If I can get a resolution to this problem via a firmware upgrade or SpeakUp software upgrade ( ver 1.0.0 ) I could replace my EasyVR speak recognition board with this product. Right now I am putting in bogus commands for the command indexes which aren't being handled by the UART interface correctly. Any help and insight would be much appreciated.

Re: SpeakUp UART Interface Issues

Posted: 29 Feb 2016 18:05
by Aleksandar.Mitrovic

Can you please attach the screen shot of the SpeakUp application and how you set the commands?
Also which baud rate are you using?

Best regards,

Re: SpeakUp UART Interface Issues

Posted: 29 Feb 2016 19:48
by orlanmon
Good evening Aleksandar

The Baud Rate is anything from 9600 to 115200 and the Data Bits: 8, Stop Bits: 1, Parity: None, Flow Control: None Commands I am setting in traditional fashion recording each one and then playing back and assigning text. The command are the numbers 0 though 10 and after recording all of them I save the project and upload to the SpeakUp Click Module. Do you want a copy of the project file? Here is the results of my first eight command recognized by the SpeakUp Click module and output via the UART interface. I am simply using a Terminal interface ( Termite 3.2 ) and a Serial/USB Link to my PC creating an connection on COM3.

[00][00][01][00][02][00][03][00][04][00][05][00][06][00][07][00][08][00] [00] [00]

Notice commands 0 through 8 are coming in perfectly fine via the UAR interface but 9 and 10 no mater what I record in those indexes is sending me back only "[00]" Very odd in that everything is working including getting a "READY" response from the module after it has initialized it's just some command indexes are working with the UART interface. Do you need a serila number to the device to check it Firmware version and also is there a newer version of SpeakUp Windows Software other than 1.0.0?

Re: SpeakUp UART Interface Issues

Posted: 29 Feb 2016 23:42
by orlanmon
Did some additional testing and I cleared the Speakup Click Board Completely via module button 2 for more then 2 seconds and then reloaded voice commands 0 to 10 . Voice commands 9 and 10 do not send back an index when recognized. I also did a full reset buttons 1 and 2 pressed simultaneously and then a reload of the voice commands and still voice command 9 and 10 do not send back an index when recognized. Can someone test this board quickly with a serial connection and terminal software and see if they are experiencing the same issue. I would also like to know if the firmware for this product has ever changed since it's release and maybe I have an older version which is defective. Is there a way to get the firmware version?

Re: SpeakUp UART Interface Issues

Posted: 01 Mar 2016 09:39
by Aleksandar.Mitrovic

I have tested SpeakUp click with the commands from 0 to 10.

I have receive the strings from 0x00 to the 0xA0 (10).
Therefore the SpeakUp have recognize more than 8 commands.

I have been using the USART terminal from the compiler.
Also I set the baud rate in the SpeakUp application to be 19200.

The question is which commands are you using for 9 and 10?

Best regards,

Re: SpeakUp UART Interface Issues

Posted: 01 Mar 2016 14:26
by orlanmon
Good afternoon Aleksandar

I really appreciate you performing the test I gives me hope I can still use this product. I am using a number of different voice commands with index 9 and 10 but none of them work as far a receiving the index via the UART; only "[00]". What version of SpeakUp Click Software are you using and is there a way to check the Firmware version on the module? Also what is the name and version of the terminal software you are using? We could be testing with two different software/firmware versions. Note I would be fine with purchasing another SpeakUp Click if I knew it has been pretested with at least 20 commands and worked correctly via the UART voice command index generation. Not sure if that is possible but first I want to make sure we are operating with the same configuration. Thanks and look forward to your response.

Re: SpeakUp UART Interface Issues

Posted: 01 Mar 2016 14:47
by orlanmon
Just performed another test at the specified baud rate you gave me; note I reset the baud rate in SpeakUp software and then uploaded before I opened the serial terminal connection to the module. Spoke the numbers 1 through nine and this is a copy and paste of what I received:

[01][00][02][00][03][00][04][00][05][00][06][00][07][00][08][00] [00]

Notice 9 gives me a blank followed by a "[00]". Is there a way to check the firmware version of the board? If not can I get a pretested module with 20 commands tested? If I know this UART interface on a SpeakClick module has been tested thoroughly I am willing to pay for another module; as long as I know the serial number of the unit tested and that is what I receiving.

Re: SpeakUp UART Interface Issues

Posted: 02 Mar 2016 05:43
by orlanmon
I wrote a small .NET application which reads from the UART interface and I found that the SpeakUp Click Board is sending voice command indexs correctly for all commands. The issue before with using Termite terminal program is that is interpreted command name and 10 as a Tab and a Line Feed! That's why I did not see a voice command index number. Thanks for your help and if anyone needs a quick program to test this just let me know and I can sent it there way. Glad to finally be able to use this product in my solution. Thanks for your help.

Re: SpeakUp UART Interface Issues

Posted: 02 Mar 2016 17:07
by Aleksandar.Mitrovic
Hi Orlando,

I'm glad that I was able to help you on this one.

You are welcome.

Best regards,

Re: SpeakUp UART Interface Issues

Posted: 02 Mar 2016 18:02
by orlanmon
Now that this is resolved I am getting rid of EasyVR and going with your product. Thanks again and Cheers. :)