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mikroElektronika - Embedded World 2012 Nurnberg, Day 2

Posted: 02 Mar 2012 22:47
by anikolic
mikroElektronika - Embedded World 2012 Nurnberg, Day 2


Day 2 at Embedded World 2012 was even better then the previous one. Some guys who use
our products stopped to give us important feedback and to talk about what they would like
to see next from mikroElektronika. They all agreed that our products are the best tools for
development. Our booth was crowded almost the entire time and our CEO and Product Managers
had important meetings almost every hour. There was little time to record everything that
happened for our video blog. This exhibition turned out to be one of the turnpoints for longterm
roadmap of mikroElektronika. We can't wait to get all of those ideas realized. It's truly an exciting
time for entire mikroElektronika community.