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mikroElektronika at Embedded World 2011 in Nürnberg, Germany

Posted: 21 Feb 2011 10:28
by anikolic
mikroElektronika at Embedded World 2011 in Nürnberg, Germany


MikroElektronika is attending this year's Embedded World Exhibition and Conference,
which will be held March 1st – 3rd 2011 in Nürnberg, Germany. If you are in Germany, or you are planing to visit
this great international event, we invite you to visit our booth at Stand 12-652 at Hall 12.
You can talk to our Product Managers, Chief of the Hardware Department and the General Manager himself.

We will be presenting new development boards, PIC32 compilers and we have special surprises for the visitors of our booth.
We are very excited about this event, and we can't wait to see some of you there with us!

Yours sincerely,