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Special Weekend offer

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 17:16
by anikolic
Special Weekend offer


Since SmartGLCD 240x128 board is available for sale,
we would like to help you to get to know this amazing board.

We have decided to surprise you with a great, limited time offer:
buy SmartGLCD 240x128 with Visual GLCD, and get $30 discount and USB-UART Board for free!

As you might not know SmartGLCD 240x128 comes with bootloader, and if you already have some of our
PIC compilers, this package can be all you need to start development of great GLCD applications.

So, don't miss this limited-time great opportunity to equip yourself with the right tools.

Offer is valid only from 6 – 10 of January 2011.

Have a great weekend!