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New uBlox Leon-G100 Development Board - SmartG100

Posted: 20 Jul 2010 17:39
by marko
New uBlox Leon-G100 Development Board - SmartG100


mikroElektronika announces the release of SmartG100 Board, which allows users
to develop and design GSM/GPRS devices using uBlox Leon-G100 modules.
Tool features Leon-G100 GSM/GPRS module and on-board voltage regulation,
so you don't have to connect additional power supply electronics. Everything you need
to do is to connect power supply to the board, GSM antenna and you are ready for
development of device. Each feature of the board is supported by example written
in mikroC, mikroPascal and mikroBasic PRO compilers.

SmartG100 Board

Availability date: NOW!