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About SpeakUp 1 and 2

Posted: 26 Feb 2023 06:05
by lemiceterrieux
1) Can the Speakup 1 and 2 boards be powered with 5V through the USB connection (onboard regulator) ? So I would only use LM339/393 based level adaptors on the outputs ; my homebrew Mega162 board (5V) could be adapted for 3.3V, but the connected Nextion touch display, not ! So my whole system runs with 5V.
2) Is it possible (probably with some soldering) to connect an external Labtec headset mike to the Speakup2 ?
Thanks for any answers.

Re: About SpeakUp 1 and 2

Posted: 26 Feb 2023 10:19
by Smart_Aleck

both board can be power from the USB connector, but they are pure 3.3V devices (internal even 1.8V resp 1.2V), but no chance
for 5V operation, with 5V I/O signals. You need a level shifter.

It seems Speak-Up 2 uses the integrated microphone. Maybe if you remove R100, you can connect something externally.

Re: About SpeakUp 1 and 2

Posted: 26 Feb 2023 10:43
by lemiceterrieux
Thanks for the answers ; but meanwhile I read at that the SpeakUp2 is no longer built, so I don't wanna use for a new design an already obsolete circuit (?) ...

Re: About SpeakUp 1 and 2

Posted: 26 Feb 2023 10:53
by Smart_Aleck

I can't speak for Mikroelektronika, but it seems that you can still get the boards from their website.

Next generation SpeakUp 3 is already out. It uses the VC-02, with external mic and speaker.
It's powered with 5V, but still a true 3.3V device. Maybe this is more for you.

Re: About SpeakUp 1 and 2

Posted: 26 Feb 2023 21:31
by lemiceterrieux
Despite of the fact that the SpeaKup 2 is no more built (but still stocked), I finally sent a mail to MikroElektronika to ask if they think that it could be possible to adapt a headset. I tested the VC-02 on the "evaluation board" (from a well known Chinese online seller). In the delivered version, they use a vocabulary made of very different expressions of 2 words minimum (look at my thread "VC-02 vocabulary"), like most speaker independent systems (Elechouse even says something like "the longer, the better" for their SimplVR). Unfortunately mine should be mainly made of single keywords (and if possible in French ! ) and I noticed that the recognition rate is less good. In fact I didn't wanna use long commands, because the system WAS intended (as a demonstration for visiting kids) to control a model railroad, which has already a touch screen (Nextion) ; and if one must say a complete "poem" to trigger the commands, the advantage of using voice control vanishes, it is easier to use the touch function. Finally I think that the voice version will be reserved (if it works ! ) to me only, all the way the training needs an unmounting of the module and connecting to a PC.
And on YouTube I saw even a (British, considering the logo on the passenger cars) modeller who interfaced his layout with ... Alexa !
Lionel (O scale, mine is Z) shows a control of their engines by a smartphone or tablet (all the way I don't have any of them), via a Bluetooth receiver aboard, and they seem to use an online recognition like Google Voice for Android or Siri for Apple systems.

Re: About SpeakUp 1 and 2

Posted: 28 Feb 2023 12:07
by lemiceterrieux
Finally Mikroe wrote that it seems not easy to adapt an external mike to the Speakup 2, so I ordered the "1" version at a French dealer.

Re: About SpeakUp 1 and 2

Posted: 04 Mar 2023 12:04
by lemiceterrieux
And in fact, as they write in the user manual, it is VERY sensitive to ambient noise, some words are rejected if the noise level varies too much ; and since in my application it changes all the time, even when no train is running (due to the merry-go-rounds which start and stop with different periods, controlled by an ATTiny13), it is finally NOT suitable for my railroad layout. If anybody knows a better module, which accepts RELIABLY short commands and does not need complete "poems" or an internet connection (please, don't mention systems like Alexa and Google voice) ?

Re: About SpeakUp 1 and 2

Posted: 30 Dec 2023 03:28
Problem 1: Do not supply power directly with 5V via USB. It lacks a built-in regulator so 3.3V is ideal. A separate regulator or level shifter should be used.
Speakup 2: It has a built-in regulator, so it can be powered with 5V via USB. However, please verify this with official documentation or the manufacturer to avoid possible damage.