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Problem with DS1307 Ram area

Posted: 14 Apr 2010 11:21

i used a DS1307 without problem but i meet a particular problem when i want to read or write in ram area.
I would like to write a data in the first byte of the ram area (0x08h) for check if RTC is already setting at the good time by user.
If not (so if data is different) i write an init time by default.
But i have never the good data stored in Ram... or maybe the data read is bad.
I don't understand my problem.
Maybe someone have an luminous idea ? :idea:

My code is:

Code: Select all

void Test_ds1307()
char test, mois, an;

test = Read_RTC_RAM(ram_test);

if(test != 0x55) // test data stored in ram at ram_test (@0x08)
  for (i = 0x08; i < 0x3F; i++) // on efface de 0x08 à 0x3F  zone des datas
      Write_RTC_RAM(i, 0);
    Write_RTC_RAM(ram_test, 0x55); // if test different write 0x55 in ram_test (@0x08)

void RTC_Initial_values() 
char i;


 ds1307_write(seconds_reg,0x00);   // pointe sur le registre des secondes
 while (I2C_Is_Idle() == 0) ;
 ds1307_write(minutes_reg,0x50);   // pointe sur le registre des minutes (0mn)
 while (I2C_Is_Idle() == 0) ;
 ds1307_write(hours_reg,0x23);     // pointe sur le registre des heures (16h)
 while (I2C_Is_Idle() == 0) ;
 ds1307_write(day_reg,0x00);       // pointe sur le registre des jours de la semaine(lundi, mardi, etc)
 while (I2C_Is_Idle() == 0) ;
 ds1307_write(date_reg,0x31);      // pointe sur le registre de la date du jour (n° du jour)
 while (I2C_Is_Idle() == 0) ;
 ds1307_write(month_reg,0x01);     // pointe sur le registre des mois
 while (I2C_Is_Idle() == 0) ;
 ds1307_write(year_reg,0x09);      // pointe sur le registre des années
 while (I2C_Is_Idle() == 0) ;


char Read_RTC_RAM(char Address)
unsigned char RAMValue;
unsigned char tmp;


  while (i2c_Is_Idle() == 0) ;
  i2c_Wr(0xD0);                     // Address DS1307
  while (i2c_Is_Idle() == 0) ;
  i2c_Wr(Address);                  // Start from RAM address
  while (i2c_Is_Idle() == 0) ;
  while (i2c_Is_Idle() == 0) ;
  i2c_Wr(0xD1);                     // Issue a READ command

  while (i2c_Is_Idle() == 0) ;
  tmp =i2c_Rd(0);                   // Read into TEMP
  RAMValue = tmp;                   // Put it into RAMValue
  while (i2c_Is_Idle() == 0) ;
  i2c_Stop();                       // End of comm.
return RAMValue;                    // Send back readed value from RAM

void Write_RTC_RAM(char Address, char DataToWrite)
  i2c_Wr(0xD0);                    // address DS1307
  while (i2c_Is_Idle() == 0) ;
  while (i2c_Is_Idle() == 0) ;
  while (i2c_Is_Idle() == 0) ;
  i2c_Stop();                      // issue stop signal
Thanks by advance.

Re: Problem with DS1307 Ram area

Posted: 18 Apr 2010 10:40
Nobody for an idea at this problem ?