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Posted: 04 Jan 2008 01:06
by yo2lio

Sorry but example posted by me, It's OK and works ! Tested !

I can't give you assistance for HTML and JAVA !

The latest version is V3.3 and have source code in MikroPascal :
If you want you can rewrite this lib in MikroBasic.

Posted: 04 Jan 2008 02:02
by BarryP
Sorry You missunderstood,
I wasn't asking for assistance.
Just sugesting a different method of update.
This Is just a page you can save as html to test the AJAX.
after changeing MyLV18FJ_test_url of course.

Code: Select all

<script type="text/javascript">
   var MyLV18FJ_test_url = '';
   var xmlHttp;
   var starttime;

	 function RequestLogData(){
   	    starttime = new Date().getTime();
      	if (xmlHttp==null){
        		alert ('Your browser does not support AJAX!');

   function GetXmlHttpObject(){
        var xmlHttp=null;
        	// Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari
        try {xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest();}catch (e){
          		// Internet Explorer first Test
        	try {xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');}catch (e)
          	// Internet Explorer second Test
        	{xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');}}
        return xmlHttp;}

   function StateChange(){

   function addLogEntry(LogStr){
      	var req_time = new Date().getTime()-starttime;
      	if (LogStr=='') return;
      	var syslog = document.getElementById('txt_log');
          syslog.innerHTML+='<br>'+LogStr+'&nbsp;&nbsp; ::'  + req_time +' mSecs (very rough)';}
	<legend>System Log</legend>
	<span id='txt_log'>System Log Loaded</span>

Posted: 04 Jan 2008 08:49
by yo2lio
Thanks !

Unfortunately my lib not support fragmentation, frame (page) must be under 1470 bytes.

I'll be very happy if someone implement fragmentation and TCP/IP STACK. Source code is available in MikroPascal.

Live software : available for view 1 - 2 days.

This is Ip_Watcher based on Eth V3.3 library, commercial software/hardware.

Posted: 13 Jan 2008 21:09
by yo2lio

Posted: 27 Jan 2008 17:36
by yo2lio

Ethernet library V3.3 for PIC18F97J60 family with examples are available here : ...

Source code in Mikropascal : ... 9&start=30

Default Ip :

Description :

Code: Select all

'Ethernet library V3.3 and example for PIC18F97J60.


' Author of this project : Florin Andrei Medrea
' Copyright (c) 2008 - YO2LIO - All Rights Reserved
' 26-Jan-2008
User Functions and Procedures :

(AddrPacket is address of received packet, TXSTART is start address of transmited packet)

- Sub Procedure Eth_SetParameters
  ' Set your IP, Mac, Mask, Gateway ... etc... here.
  ' Str2Ip("",eth_ip_addr)
  ' Str2Ip("",eth_ntp_addr)
  ' Str2Ip("",eth_gateway)
  ' Str2Ip("",eth_mask)
  ' Str2Mac("0004A300809A",eth_mac)
  ' Str2Ip("",user_ip_addr)
  ' eth_port = 10001
  ' dest_port = 10001

- Sub Procedure Eth_Init
  ' Init MCU Ethernet.

- Sub Procedure Eth_Reset
  ' Reset MCU Ethernet.

- Sub Procedure Wait_For_Lan
  ' Wait fo Lan Link.

- Sub Procedure Eth_DoPacket
  ' Process incoming packets.

- Sub Function Eth_UserTCP(dim byref dest_ip_addr_T as byte[4], dim byref source_port_T, dest_port_T, len_T as word) as word
  ' This function is called by library. Put your TCP response for WEB server parameters here. See example.

- Sub Function Eth_UserUDP(dim byref dest_ip_addr_U as byte[4], dim byref dest_port_U, source_port_U, len_U as word) as word
  ' This function is called by library. Put your UDP response here. See example. ( ECHO example )

- Sub Function CopyFlashToEthMem_CP(dim start_Flash_address as longint) as word
  ' Copy Const from flash to Eth Memory and return length of Const data.
  ' Const data must be defined as STRING. (and must be zero terminated)
  ' Ex. len = CopyFlashToEthMem_CP(@httpHeader)

- Sub Function Eth_SendARP(dim byref ip_dest as byte[4]) as Boolean
  ' Get ARP request. Return True if Mac exist.
  ' Return dest. mac address in dim dest_mac as byte[6].
  ' Return dest. ip address in dim dest_ip_addr as byte[4].
  ' Ex. bol = Eth_SendARP(user_ip_addr)
  ' First function search in ArpCache (size of 9) ...

- Sub Procedure SendUDP(dim dest_port_S, source_port_S, len_data as word, dim byref data_udp as array[1472] of byte)
  ' Send UDP mesage. Max 1472 bytes.
  ' Ex. If Eth_SendARP(user_ip_addr) then SendUDP(dest_port, eth_port, 10, 'Test Test ')

- Sub Procedure Eth_SendPing(dim SlotState as boolean, dim PingSlot as Byte)
  ' Have 8 Slots available 0 .. 7 and PingCache size of 8.
  ' Ex. Eth_SendPing(Eth_SendARP(user_ip_addr),0) Send Ping at user_ip_addr and put result in Slot 0.
  ' PingCache format as
  ' PingCache[Slot].IpP as byte[4]
  ' PingCache[Slot].MacP as byte[6]
  ' PingCache[Slot].Time as word
  ' PingCache[Slot].TTL as byte.

- Sub Function Send_Ping(dim byref ip_address as byte[4]) as word
  ' Send ping at specified ip_address and return response time.
  ' Ex. PingTimeResponse = Send_Ping(user_ip_address)

- Sub Function Send_UDP(dim byref ip_address as byte[4], dim dest_port_S, source_port_S, len_data as word, dim byref data_udp as array[1472] of byte) as boolean
  ' Send UDP mesage, max 1472 bytes, at specified ip_address and return true if success.
  ' Ex. Success = Send_UDP(user_ip_addr, 10001, 9999, 10, "data data ")

- Sub Function Send_ARP(dim byref ip_address as byte[4], dim byref mac_address as byte[6]) as boolean
  ' Get MAC for specified ip_address, put result in mac_address variable and return true if success.
  ' Ex. Success = Send_ARP(user_ip_addr,reply_mac_addr)

- Sub Procedure Firewall(dim ICMP, TCP, UDP as boolean)
  ' Default all false, allow all type of packets.
  ' If ICMP = true, ignore ICMP request. Ex. Firewall(true, false, false)
  ' If TCP = true, ignore TCP packets. Ex. Firewall(false, true, false)
  ' If UDP = true, ignore UDP packets. Ex. Firewall(false, false, true)
- Sub Function Ntp_query as Boolean
  ' Syncronize time.
  ' Ntp address must me stored in eth_ntp_addr (see Eth_SetParameters)
  ' If syncronization was successfully Ntp_sync flag will be true.

- Sub Procedure Get_Time
  ' Transform NTP time in day/month/year ...
  ' Data will be stored in as
  ' TTime.Rfc   = Time in RFC format
  ' TTime.Unix  = Time in UNIX format
  ' TTime.Year  = Year (ex. 2007)
  ' TTime.Month = Month (ex. 07)
  ' TTime.Day   = Day (ex. 31)
  ' TTime.Hour  = Hour(ex. 12)
  ' TTime.Min   = Min (ex. 59)
  ' TTime.Sec   = Sec (ex. 32)
  ' TTime.Str   = String format max. 32 ('2007-11-24 14:25:00')
- Sub Procedure Eth_PutByte(dim value as byte)
  ' Put one byte in ETH memory.

- Sub Function Eth_GetByte as byte
  ' Get one byte from ETH memory.

- Sub Procedure CopyEthMemToRam(dim start_eth_address, dest_ram_address, length_w as word)
  ' Ex. CopyEthMemToRam(AddrPacket+6,@dest_mac_addr,6)

- Sub Procedure CopyEthMemToRam_Inv(dim start_eth_address, dest_ram_address, length_w as word)
  ' Ex. CopyEthMemToRam(AddrPacket+6,@data_dWord,4)
- Sub Procedure CopyEthMemToEthMem(dim start_eth_address, dest_eth_address, length_w as word, dim where as byte)
  ' where = 0 copy from Eth RxBuf to Eth TxBuf
  ' where = 1 copy from Eth TxBuf to Eth TxBuf
  ' Ex. CopyEthMemToEthMem(AddrPacket+38,TXSTART+28,4,0)
- Sub Procedure CopyRamToEthMem(dim start_ram_address, dest_eth_address, length_w as word)
  ' Ex. CopyRamToEthMem(@eth_mac,TXSTART+22,6)

- Sub Procedure CopyRamToEthMem_Inv(dim start_ram_address, dest_eth_address, length_w as word)
  ' Ex. CopyRamToEthMem(@data_dWord,TXSTART+22,4)
- Sub Procedure CopyRamToEthMem_CP(dim start_ram_address, length_w as word)
  ' Copy var data to Eth Memory.
  ' Ex. CopyRamToEthMem_CP(@data,46)
- Sub Procedure CopyRamToEthMem_CP_Inv(dim start_ram_address, length_w as word)
  ' Ex. CopyRamToEthMem_CP(@data_dWord,4)
- Sub Function CopyRamStringToEthMem_CP(dim byref s as string[1472]) as word
  ' Copy var data to Eth Memory and return length of var data.
  ' Var data must be defined as String. (must be zero terminated)
  ' Ex. len = CopyRamStringToEthMem_CP('data data data')
- Sub Procedure CopyFlashToEthMem(dim start_Flash_address as longint, dim dest_eth_address, length_w as word)
  ' Ex. CopyFlashToEthMem(@httpHeader,TXSTART+54,30)

- Sub Procedure CopyFlashToEthMem_CP(dim start_Flash_address as longint, dim length_w as word)
  ' Ex. CopyFlashToEthMem(@httpHeader,30)

- Sub Function CopyFlashStringToEthMem(dim start_Flash_address as longint, dim dest_eth_address as word) as word
  ' Copy Const from flash to Eth Memory and return length of Const data.
  ' Const data must be defined as STRING. (must be zero terminated)
  ' Ex. len = CopyFlashToEthMem_CP(@httpHeader,TXSTART+54)
- Sub Function CopyFlashStringToEthMem_CP(dim start_Flash_address as longint) as word
  ' Copy Const from flash to Eth Memory and return length of Const data.
  ' Const data must be defined as STRING. (must be zero terminated)
  ' Ex. len = CopyFlashToEthMem_CP(@httpHeader)
- Sub Procedure WriteToEthMem(dim dest_eth_address as word, dim value as byte)
  ' Ex. WriteToEthMem(TXSTART+12,$08)

- Sub Function ReadFromEthMem(dim start_eth_address as word) as byte
  ' Ex. data = ReadFromEthMem(AddrPacket+38)

- Sub Function EthMemCompareWithRam(dim start_eth_address, start_ram_address, length_w as word) as boolean
  ' Ex. bol = EthMemCompareWithRam(AddrPacket+30,@eth_ip_addr,4)

- Sub Function EthMemCompareWithFlash(dim start_eth_address as word, dim start_Flash_address as longint, dim length_w as word) as boolean
  ' Ex. bol = EthMemCompareWithFlash(AddrPacket+54, @httpHeader, 30)

Posted: 04 Feb 2008 22:44
by yo2lio
Library and examples updated !

Resolved small BUG in CopyEthMemToEthMem routine. When length of data copy was 0 or 1, MCU frozen.
This BUG was submitted by guyfoc.

Posted: 08 Mar 2008 16:12
by yo2lio

Library updated. Resolved small bug in Get_Time routine.

You can download library from : ...

Old files : ...

Posted: 17 Apr 2008 18:18
by Rodan
Hi how do I change the initial IP adress of the LV card ethernet controller with one that is 192.168.0.x which is my private network?

Also how do i read the mac adress of the ethernet controller on board?

Is this program the same that is in the MikroeC examples?


Well it happear that I cant try it on the demo Basic because it give linker error: Demo limit

Posted: 18 Apr 2008 14:14
by yo2lio
You can do this in following procedure :

Code: Select all

Sub Procedure Eth_SetParameters   ' set your parameters here
  Str2Ip("",eth_ip_addr) ' Put your IP here
  Str2Ip("",eth_gateway) 'Put your gateway here
  Str2Ip("",eth_ntp_addr) ' Put here a valid NTP address
  Str2Mac("0004A3008080",eth_mac) ' Put your MAC here
  eth_port = 10001
  dest_port = 10001
  UpTime = 0
end sub
Is this program the same that is in the MikroeC examples?
No, is my library, designed for my applications and shared with Mikroe Forum Users.

Posted: 18 Apr 2008 15:24
by Rodan
yo2lio wrote:You can do this in following procedure :

Code: Select all

Sub Procedure Eth_SetParameters   ' set your parameters here
  Str2Ip("",eth_ip_addr) ' Put your IP here
  Str2Ip("",eth_gateway) 'Put your gateway here
  Str2Ip("",eth_ntp_addr) ' Put here a valid NTP address
  Str2Mac("0004A3008080",eth_mac) ' Put your MAC here
  eth_port = 10001
  dest_port = 10001
  UpTime = 0
end sub
Is this program the same that is in the MikroeC examples?
No, is my library, designed for my applications and shared with Mikroe Forum Users.
Sorry but I am new on this, this code you posted is already insde the code in the example, but I cant compile it with the demo version it's to big because of the libraries.

Posted: 18 Apr 2008 16:44
by yo2lio
Rodan wrote: Sorry but I am new on this, this code you posted is already insde the code in the example, but I cant compile it with the demo version it's to big because of the libraries.
:idea: You can not use this library without license ... Sorry ...

Posted: 18 Apr 2008 17:15
by Rodan
yo2lio wrote:
Rodan wrote: Sorry but I am new on this, this code you posted is already insde the code in the example, but I cant compile it with the demo version it's to big because of the libraries.
:idea: You can not use this library without license ... Sorry ...
Ok that make sense then, I am still figuring our what I should buy, so when i decided I will buy eiter Mebasic or Me C.


Web Server input state

Posted: 09 May 2008 21:45
by arco

I tested the Web Server code, and it works very nice! But I have one question:
Is it possible to make the status screen dynamic? I mean if I press an input switch, the state is updated on screen without having to press the refresh key?
Using MikroBasic

Posted: 10 May 2008 07:12
by yo2lio
Hello !

My web server example have automatically refresh at 5000 ms.
This is defined in Java1 page, at the end :

Code: Select all

This example is designed and work correctly only under FIREFOX !!!
I don't know why don't work with Explorer.

Posted: 10 May 2008 08:36
by aftervillage
Why not using the meta tag of html like:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="600">

put it in your head definition (before the body).

info from: ... 80300a.htm

setInterval is working for firefox and IE using this example from ... etinterval